Hi all, First of all I apologize in advance for asking for Open Week [1] Sessions and Session Leaders at this late time in the cycle. Jorge Castro sent out the initial call for session leaders in early Sept [2] but due to this being a really busy cycle in terms of the 11.10 release not to mention all the busyness that life adds to our (those of us in the community) lives as volunteers the schedule is nowhere near full. I hope that many of you will be willing to help. Before I go into more of what we need - let me thank you first even considering it! You, your time, your talents and participation matter! Please ask your team members as well. Thank you in advance.
Here is what we need 1) Session leaders and 2) Session Suggestions (What's something you'd like to know more about in Ubuntu 11.10 or Ubuntu in General. Do you lead a team or project? Do you want more people to know about the team/project? Do you need/want more contributors to your team/project? Are you involved in one of the many supported distributive distributions? Does it need more buzz surrounding it? Do you want to let the community know how they can get involved? If you answered yes to any of these questions or you know someone who can please consider giving an hour of your time to lead a session during open week. If you are new to leading an online session join #ubuntu-classroom-backstage and myself or one of the many other team volunteers can get you all the information you need. Is there a topic/project/team/ you 'd like to know more about getting involved with them please let myself or jcastro know so we can see who we need to find to lead that session. If you want to lead a session please include the following information. You can send this information to jcasto or myself and we can schedule it or you can add it to the timeline [3] yourself. Please DO NOT move a session with talking to the other session leader, jcasto, or myself. Thanks! Session Name: Session Summary: Session Leader Name (to include IRC NICK) Session Time Slot: On a side note Open Week is where I learned about many of the projects and places people can participate in the Ubuntu Project. This is a great opportunity to get your message out, ask for help from the community, learn what the community wants to know about your team/project and more. I know this is a busy time of the year, with release week, open week, planning for UDS, not to mention family, work and more. Again, thank you in advance and I look forward to your help in making this another successful open week. with much gratitude, Amber [1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek [2] - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-September/005591.html [3] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable -- Amber Graner//akgraner// http://akgraner.com/ http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Amber-Graner-You-in-Ubuntu Need help with Ubuntu? Ask the experts at http://askubuntu.com/ -- loco-contacts mailing list loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts