Yesterday I was able to recover most of the missing data, but if anybody
had manually re-entered anything during this time there may be
duplicates.  I made an effort to identify possibly re-entries, but if
the important fields didn't match exactly (different names or times, for
example), the recover process will have created a duplicate.

Please check your team's event and meeting records, and delete any
duplicate you might find.  If you have any questions, or are still
missing data, please let me know.  Again I apologize for the
inconvenience that this caused, hopefully it won't happen again but if
it does we are at least better prepared for a quick recovery now.

Michael Hall

On 08/16/2011 01:39 PM, Michael Hall wrote:
> Due to some hardware trouble, the LoCo Directory had to be moved from
> one server to another and back during the last week.  Unfortunately, at
> some point during those moves some of the data in our database was lost,
> including team events and team meetings.
> We are working with Canonical's IS to try and recover what we can, but
> in the mean time you should check your team's page on
> to see if any of your events or meetings are
> missing, and re-create them if they are.
> I will send out another email once I know what, if anything, we will be
> able to recover, and will do my best to avoid creating duplicate entries
> when I do.  I apologize for the inconvenience this is going to cause,
> and I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to fix it.

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