As for the Danish LoCo Team we are not particularly annoyed, either.
It's after all a small volume of mails, and they save us for unneeded
check of the LP-account for new members.
But on the other hand, we don't want to insist on keeping the mail
notification, if you want it dropped.
flemming christensen (laoshi)

man, 25 07 2011 kl. 19:02 +1200, skrev Robert Collins:
> I'm writing to this list because the Ubuntu loco system is the single
> largest collection of open teams in Launchpad, and there is a
> notification change I'm proposing which will affect you.
> I hope it will only affect you in a positive way, but if would have
> adverse impact I want to know now :)
> covers this change.
> In short, for OPEN (and only OPEN) teams, I want to stop LP sending
> 'user $USER has been added to team $TEAM by $USER' and '$USER has been
> deactiveated from team $TEAM by $USER' emails.
> The reason being that they aren't actionable or useful AFAWCT : unlike
> delegated, moderated or restricted teams where another admin may have
> made a mistake, or someones credentials being stolen and used to add
> someone to the team matter, and may need correcting, in open teams it
> is open season.
> I hope that these mails universally annoy you and you will cheer at my
> proposal to remove them :)
> Thanks in advance for any feedback, and if I don't hear back in a
> couple of days I will land this change anyhow.
> Cheers,
> Rob


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