ALOHA!! It's that time of cycle again, where we all get together over a coffee/tea pizza at home or where ever and work on Ubuntu as a community!
Ubuntu needs your help! We need your members of your loco team to help on testing and letting us know how and where it needs some looking into. This cycle we are shipping Unity as the new desktop interface, and we are going to be working hard together to ensure that as many Unity bugs are squeezed out as possible. The Ubuntu global Jam (UGJ) is a great chance to come along and help test Unity, report bugs, fix bugs, triage problems, write documentation, help advocate Ubuntu in your area. Lets see if we can make Ubuntu 11.04 the best Ubuntu release yet! With that in mind date of the Ubuntu Global Jam is 1st 3rd April 2011. We are really keen that everyone has as much notice as possible to get your events ready! So all team contacts on here should be sending this mail to your loco team to let them know and so you can plan the event! I have added the Ubuntu Global Jam in the LoCo Directory so feel free to go and add your events there! - There are over 142 teams on the LoCo directory and only 7 have signed up to take part! Lets get more teams on there and help make this UGJ ROCK!!!! We will also be having some tutorial sessions about how to organize events soon! When you add an event, but sure to Tweet/Dent/Facebook it and use the #ugj, #ubuntu, and #locoteams tags so others can see them! Laura -- loco-contacts mailing list