Uruguay LoCo * In this cycle, how was activity compared to the cycle before? *The same. Summer here tend to make our activity felt down. In middle February is usually the time the activity tend to go up!
* If you use a Launchpad team for your LoCo, did you have many people joining/leaving? *We had a few in(s) and no leaves * Do you have an expiry policy set for your team? *No. * If you have a look at the list of former members of your team (https://launchpad.net/~YOURTEAM/+members#former< https://launchpad.net/%7EYOURTEAM/+members#former<https://launchpad.net/~YOURTEAM/+members#former> >- only works if you're admin/owner of the team) are there many that got deactivated or expired in the last cycle/year? *We have only one. -- Pablo Rubianes Ubuntu Member Consejo Comunitario Ubuntu Uruguay Ubuntu Beginners Team Member
-- loco-contacts mailing list loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts