Hello everyone,

On the weekend of January 29-30th we will be hosting our 3rd Ubuntu
User Days event in #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net
(#ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions) [1].

All times in the timetable are in UTC, and they can be converted to
your local time using [2] or by subscribing to the Learning and Events
calendar [3].

Saturday, January 29th

Time (UTC)      Subject Presenter
08:30   Introduction to User Day        nigelb, pleia2, nhandler
09:00   Software Installation   shrini
10:00   Networking and sharing files in Ubuntu  dnivra
11:00   Cloud for users Daviey
12:00   Ubuntu One      ralsina
13:00   Finding Help in Ubuntu  starcraftman
14:00   How to fix a broken machine     popey
15:00   Switching from OS X     aveilleux
16:00   Tips and tricks for multi-booters       Cheri703
17:00   Inkscape Introduction   doctormo
18:00   Command Line Email Clients for Ubuntu   _marx_
19:00   Using IRC       IdleOne
20:00   Accessibility apps      Pendulum
21:00   Desktop Environments: Gnome, KDE, XFCE  maco and pleia2
22:00   Command Line Basics     imbrandon
23:00   Asking questions on Launchpad and Reporting bugs on Launchpad   

Sunday, January 30th

Time (UTC)      Subject Presenter
00:00   Switching from Windows  cprofitt
01:00   Entertaining and educating kids using Ubuntu    MichelleQ
02:00   Linux Security Myth     maco
03:00   Unity   jcastro and Dbo
04:00   What’s cooking in Ubuntu        jcastro

For more information about User Days, including any last-minute
adjustments to our schedule, please see our wiki page [4].

Nathan Handler
On Behalf of the Ubuntu User Days Team

[2] http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
[3] http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html
[4] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays

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