Hi there ....

I originally posted this to the ubuntu-website list at Canonical, but have been 
advised to post here instead.

Please forgive me if this is the wrong place for my question.  I am a
volunteer on the Ubuntu Advertising campaign - http://ubuntuadverts.org/
and we are working towards some serious advertising expected to coincide
with the launch of Natty 11.04.  Our target audience is the Windows user
with a home or small office PC.  S/he is not entirely happy with
Windows, does not want to move to Mac because of the cost, and thinks
Windows is the only way.  Our message is that there is a better way.

Our medium is a ten-second Cinema advert which will be widely seen.  It
is self evident that in ten seconds, we can do no more than attract the
potential user to a web site with a short memorable URL, and the obvious
place for that is www.ubuntu.com  Would you consider putting a prominent
button on the front page saying something like "You're here because of
our advert.  Click here".  This would take them to a quick tour of
Ubuntu designed for someone familiar with Windows.  There would need to
be links to testimonies from ex-Windows Ubuntu users and some summaries
of compatibilities, incompatibilities etc.  

It would be great if there could be some liaison between your team and
ours.  Maybe someone directly involved with web-page design and
maintenance could come on our team, take our mailing list and attend the
next meeting - on IRC freenode 15th January, 9.00pm UTC.  Please forgive
if this is the wrong place, and advise.

Kind regards,           Barry Drake. 

What do you see when you use your Computer? Same old thing?
...There IS a Better Way!  Ubuntu!

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