On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Christophe Sauthier (Huats)
<christophe.sauth...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> As a preambule I am sorry for the lack of answer I gave for the last
> days but I have been really really busy with work, and I simply
> couldn't answer.
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:33 PM, David Rubin <dru...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Timo Jyrinki <timo.jyri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2010/12/3 Timo Jyrinki <timo.jyri...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Btw I did fill in the wiki page and send e-mail to the e-mail address
>>>> mentioned in September, but never heard back.
> I am the one who is receiving the various emails sent to that adress.
> I have answered individually all the emails that I have received
> before the 24 of Nov.
> That was the idea of my email : if you sent me an email before that
> date and that you never got an answer from me about the banner, please
> send it again (since I am wondering if I haven't experienced some mail
> issues).

Hi I don't think you did. I think there was just some confusion
regarding this whole process.

On 04/09/10 12:44, David Rubin wrote:
    On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Laura
Czajkowski<la...@lczajkowski.com>  wrote:
remember when
        updating the wiki to check if someone else is editing it to avoid wiki

    Hey I feel a bit silly but what email address do we need to send these
    requests to? I couldn't find  it listed on the Wiki page.
Hi we actually just updated the wiki with the new email address as a
member of the LC is going to collect the information and then mail
Canonical in one go with the information requested  -


I couldn't see your address listed on that wiki page. I was under the
impression that some one would process that wiki page and forward
those details on.

Thanks again Christophe I will never sent you my details personally
before the 24th because of the confusion. Hopefully me sending them
today will be enough?



>>> Oops. Browsing spam etc. closer, I found that I did eventually receive
>>> a short e-mail from Christophe just now on Nov 24 that the orders will
>>> be processed, as a direct reply to my September e-mail. Of course,
>>> this only adds to the confusion if some others do not find such e-mail
>>> in their inbox or spam folder.
> As I said previously, I am not sure of the confusion you are refering
> too. I have answered the few requests that I have received on the same
> day (the 24th of November). With the undergoing problem with email
> that I might have experienced, I have send an email (after answering)
> asking to resend the banner request if you haven't heard from me...
>>> On the other hand, I never really heard or received anything from the
>>> summer's Ubuntu book offer, and that's been so long ago that I assume
>>> it's not just delayed like this banner deal. I kind of assumed that
>>> maybe this one is not so certain either.
> As I said, and considering the little number of answers we got, we
> have decided to postpone a bit the processing of the banner to avoid
> many processing with very few LoCos request.
> I will complete the document I have started with the teams that have
> contacted me since the 24th and send it to the Canonical people who
> are dealing with that, and wainting for it now.
>> O well there go our banners because spam is deleted after 30days :(
> The messages were sent on the 24th of November, so the 30 days are not
> over yet, and why my ubuntu adress will be detected as spam ?
>> Is there any thing we can do about this? Is there a direct email
>> address we can contact them on?
> Since I am the one receivig the request and that I read this mailing
> list you already did :) I'll contact you privately regarding your
> request.
> All the best,
>       Christophe
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