On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 00:53 +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op maandag 08-03-2010 om 08:10 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Rafael
> Carreras:
> > In my community there are a lot of Kubuntu users, including me, and
> > rising. Perhaps we are quite odd.
> Those CDs are for /new/ users, not collectors items for existing users
> (one can order CDs from the Canonical shop for that purpose).
For those who do want to collect the printed CD's you could also attend
some Ubuntu events in your area. Usualy the LoCo will have a pile of
CD's to give out :-)

> And IME it's best to give Ubuntu CDs to new users, because AFAIK most of
> the relevant documentation, including all(?) books for new users, are
> written with Ubuntu (and GNOME) in mind.  (Of course that might be
> different where you live, I don't know all books in all languages etc.)
> -- 
> Jan Claeys

John Chiazzese

In this concrete jungle we live. Our survival is love that we give. 
Now my instinct is guiding my way. It’s true what they say.
The world is your chance to create.

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