On 25/01/10 14:34, Pedro Franco wrote:
> On Vie 22 Ene 2010 16:51:21 Dan Trevino escribió:
>> Its unclear to me if the renewal process requires a (re)application wiki
>> page.  The renewal wiki states that the process is the same, but does the
>> council want a re-approval wiki page?  Or do we just need to be able to
>> answer questions relating to the guidelines for approval?
Yes, a reapproval wiki is necesary. it keeps the same structure of the 
aplication wiki but since 2 or more years have gone by it must reflect 
the the achivements and goals for the next 2 years

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved is still a base to this
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
> Me too!!!
> I don't understand
> Why need to aplicate a secons  approval process???
it is a way of reassessment and confirmation of the ongoing commitment 
to the whole ubuntu community.

> Regards
> Petrux

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