The following is sent on behalf of Saj0577 from the Ubuntu Beginners Team.

Hey Community Groups,

I have recently taken on Leadership of the Beginners Team Education Focus
Group, and our team role has been adjusted, some of which you can use to
your advantage.
As part of our new goals we now help to set-up,organise and manage community
groups. This means that we can help you as a Focus Group by taking some of
the pressure off your shoulder with things such as:


   *Forming a Community group*
   - Setting up the tools, IRC channel, mailing list, Launchpad group
      - Getting a website and hosting
      - Becoming an Approved Team
         - Benefits
         - Resources **
      - *Organising Events *
      - Organising Meetings, physical and IRC
      - Organising Install-fests
      - Organising Education Classes **
   - *Interactions *
      - Getting to know the public
      - Contacting community Centres
      - The Eduction industry **
   - *Available Resources *
      - Ship-it **
   - *Producing Media *
      - Tools to use, inkscape, scribus and pdf tools
      - Branding and Trademarks
      - Spread-Ubuntu, Get, make, share media
      - The importance of Vector
      - Maintaining Editability, exporting **
      - *Guerrilla Marketing *
      - Local communities in action
      - Hit and Run
      - Viral marketing

      SpreadUbuntu <>: marketing
      campaigns site

If your interested in all or some of the features please reply to this email
stating which Loco Group you are from and a point of contact for your Loco

Stephen (Saj0577)
loco-contacts mailing list

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