>> That is a very strong argument to me, but it seems to argue even more
>> strongly for:
>> @G = constant float addrspace(5) 1.0, section "foo", align 4
>> Your example above would then be:
>>> @foo = constant float addrspace(1)* addrspace(2) 1.0
>> which has type:
>>> float addrspace(1)* addrspace(2)*
>> What do you think?  the downside is that this may cause bison to have
>> issues :)
> This is ideally what I wanted, but it would mean seriously mucking  
> with bison and changing how all CosntVal's are handled. I can give  
> it a try.

Hrm, I think bison will get extremely grumpy about this.  Quick  
question, what is the syntax for an external GV with an ASI?

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