Changes in directory llvm-www/ProjectsWithLLVM:

index.html updated: 1.39 -> 1.40
Log message:

add puzzle solving project.

Diffs of the changes:  (+36 -0)

 index.html |   36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+)

Index: llvm-www/ProjectsWithLLVM/index.html
diff -u llvm-www/ProjectsWithLLVM/index.html:1.39 
--- llvm-www/ProjectsWithLLVM/index.html:1.39   Tue Jul 31 19:03:33 2007
+++ llvm-www/ProjectsWithLLVM/index.html        Sat Dec  8 18:26:42 2007
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 <div class="www_text">
+<li><a href="#puzzles">Register Allocation by Puzzle Solving</a></li>
 <li><a href="#faust">Faust Real-Time Signal Processing System</a></li>
 <li><a href="#adobe-hydra">Adobe "Hydra" Language</a></li>
 <li><a href="#Calysto">Calysto Static Checker</a></li>
@@ -59,6 +60,41 @@
+<div class="www_subsection">
+<a name="puzzles">Register Allocation by Puzzle Solving</a>
+<div class="www_subsubsection">
+By Fernando Pereira and Jens Palsberg, UCLA.
+<div class="www_text">
+In this project, we have shown that register allocation can be viewed
+as solving a collection of puzzles.
+We model the register file as a puzzle board and
+the program variables as puzzle pieces;
+pre-coloring and register aliasing fit in naturally.
+For architectures such as x86, SPARC V8, and StrongARM,
+we can solve the puzzles in polynomial time, and we have augmented
+the puzzle solver with a simple heuristic for spilling.
+For SPEC CPU2000, our implementation is as fast as
+the extended version of linear scan used by LLVM.
+Our implementation produces Pentium code that is of similar quality to the
+code produced by the slower, state-of-the-art iterated register coalescing
+algorithm of George and Appel augmented with extensions by Smith, Ramsey, and
+<a href="";>Project
+   page</a> with a link to a tool that verifies the output of LLVM's register 
+   allocator.
 <div class="www_subsection" id="faust">
 Faust Real-Time Signal Processing System

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