Author: lattner
Date: Thu Aug 16 10:56:55 2007
New Revision: 41124

This adds a bunch of static functions that implement unsigned
two's complement bignum arithmetic.  They could be used to
implement much of APInt, but the idea is they are enough to
implement APFloat as well, which the current APInt interface
is not suited for.

Patch by Neil Booth!


Modified: llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ADT/APInt.h

--- llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ADT/APInt.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ADT/APInt.h Thu Aug 16 10:56:55 2007
@@ -19,8 +19,16 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include <string>
+#define HOST_CHAR_BIT 8
+#define compileTimeAssert(cond) extern int CTAssert[(cond) ? 1 : -1]
+#define integerPartWidth (HOST_CHAR_BIT * sizeof(llvm::integerPart))
 namespace llvm {
+  /* An unsigned host type used as a single part of a multi-part
+     bignum.  */
+  typedef uint64_t integerPart;
 //                              APInt Class
@@ -1038,6 +1046,124 @@
       return -(*this);
     return *this;
+  /// @}
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Building-block Operations for APInt and APFloat
+  /// @{
+  // These building block operations operate on a representation of
+  // arbitrary precision, two's-complement, bignum integer values.
+  // They should be sufficient to implement APInt and APFloat bignum
+  // requirements.  Inputs are generally a pointer to the base of an
+  // array of integer parts, representing an unsigned bignum, and a
+  // count of how many parts there are.
+  /// Sets the least significant part of a bignum to the input value,
+  /// and zeroes out higher parts.  */
+  static void tcSet(integerPart *, integerPart, unsigned int);
+  /// Assign one bignum to another.
+  static void tcAssign(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// Returns true if a bignum is zero, false otherwise.
+  static bool tcIsZero(const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// Extract the given bit of a bignum; returns 0 or 1.  Zero-based.
+  static int tcExtractBit(const integerPart *, unsigned int bit);
+  /// Set the given bit of a bignum.  Zero-based.
+  static void tcSetBit(integerPart *, unsigned int bit);
+  /// Returns the bit number of the least or most significant set bit
+  /// of a number.  If the input number has no bits set -1U is
+  /// returned.
+  static unsigned int tcLSB(const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  static unsigned int tcMSB(const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// Negate a bignum in-place.
+  static void tcNegate(integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// DST += RHS + CARRY where CARRY is zero or one.  Returns the
+  /// carry flag.
+  static integerPart tcAdd(integerPart *, const integerPart *,
+                          integerPart carry, unsigned);
+  /// DST -= RHS + CARRY where CARRY is zero or one.  Returns the
+  /// carry flag.
+  static integerPart tcSubtract(integerPart *, const integerPart *,
+                               integerPart carry, unsigned);
+  ///  DST += SRC * MULTIPLIER + PART   if add is true
+  ///  DST  = SRC * MULTIPLIER + PART   if add is false
+  ///
+  ///  Requires 0 <= DSTPARTS <= SRCPARTS + 1.  If DST overlaps SRC
+  ///  they must start at the same point, i.e. DST == SRC.
+  ///
+  ///  If DSTPARTS == SRC_PARTS + 1 no overflow occurs and zero is
+  ///  returned.  Otherwise DST is filled with the least significant
+  ///  DSTPARTS parts of the result, and if all of the omitted higher
+  ///  parts were zero return zero, otherwise overflow occurred and
+  ///  return one.
+  static int tcMultiplyPart(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *src,
+                           integerPart multiplier, integerPart carry,
+                           unsigned int srcParts, unsigned int dstParts,
+                           bool add);
+  /// DST = LHS * RHS, where DST has the same width as the operands
+  /// and is filled with the least significant parts of the result.
+  /// Returns one if overflow occurred, otherwise zero.  DST must be
+  /// disjoint from both operands.
+  static int tcMultiply(integerPart *, const integerPart *,
+                       const integerPart *, unsigned);
+  /// DST = LHS * RHS, where DST has twice the width as the operands.
+  /// No overflow occurs.  DST must be disjoint from both operands.
+  static void tcFullMultiply(integerPart *, const integerPart *,
+                            const integerPart *, unsigned);
+  /// If RHS is zero LHS and REMAINDER are left unchanged, return one.
+  /// Otherwise set LHS to LHS / RHS with the fractional part
+  /// discarded, set REMAINDER to the remainder, return zero.  i.e.
+  ///
+  ///
+  ///  SCRATCH is a bignum of the same size as the operands and result
+  ///  for use by the routine; its contents need not be initialized
+  ///  and are destroyed.  LHS, REMAINDER and SCRATCH must be
+  ///  distinct.
+  static int tcDivide(integerPart *lhs, const integerPart *rhs,
+                     integerPart *remainder, integerPart *scratch,
+                     unsigned int parts);
+  /// Shift a bignum left COUNT bits.  Shifted in bits are zero.
+  /// There are no restrictions on COUNT.
+  static void tcShiftLeft(integerPart *, unsigned int parts,
+                         unsigned int count);
+  /// Shift a bignum right COUNT bits.  Shifted in bits are zero.
+  /// There are no restrictions on COUNT.
+  static void tcShiftRight(integerPart *, unsigned int parts,
+                          unsigned int count);
+  /// The obvious AND, OR and XOR and complement operations.
+  static void tcAnd(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  static void tcOr(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  static void tcXor(integerPart *, const integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  static void tcComplement(integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// Comparison (unsigned) of two bignums.
+  static int tcCompare(const integerPart *, const integerPart *,
+                      unsigned int);
+  /// Increment a bignum in-place.  Return the carry flag.
+  static integerPart tcIncrement(integerPart *, unsigned int);
+  /// Set the least significant BITS and clear the rest.
+  static void tcSetLeastSignificantBits(integerPart *, unsigned int,
+                                       unsigned int bits);
   /// @}

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/Support/APInt.cpp

--- llvm/trunk/lib/Support/APInt.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/Support/APInt.cpp Thu Aug 16 10:56:55 2007
@@ -2012,3 +2012,569 @@
        << ")\n" << std::setbase(10);
+// This implements a variety of operations on a representation of
+// arbitrary precision, two's-complement, bignum integer values.
+/* Assumed by lowHalf, highHalf, partMSB and partLSB.  A fairly safe
+   and unrestricting assumption.  */
+compileTimeAssert(integerPartWidth % 2 == 0);
+#define lowBitMask(bits) (~(integerPart) 0 >> (integerPartWidth - (bits)))
+#define lowHalf(part) ((part) & lowBitMask(integerPartWidth / 2))
+#define highHalf(part) ((part) >> (integerPartWidth / 2))
+/* Some handy functions local to this file.  */
+namespace {
+  /* Returns the bit number of the most significant bit of a part.  If
+     the input number has no bits set -1U is returned.  */
+  unsigned int
+  PartMSB(integerPart value)
+  {
+    unsigned int n, msb;
+    if (value == 0)
+      return -1U;
+    n = integerPartWidth / 2;
+    msb = 0;
+    do {
+      if (value >> n) {
+        value >>= n;
+        msb += n;
+      }
+      n >>= 1;
+    } while (n);
+    return msb;
+  }
+  /* Returns the bit number of the least significant bit of a part.
+     If the input number has no bits set -1U is returned.  */
+  unsigned int
+  partLSB(integerPart value)
+  {
+    unsigned int n, lsb;
+    if (value == 0)
+      return -1U;
+    lsb = integerPartWidth - 1;
+    n = integerPartWidth / 2;
+    do {
+      if (value << n) {
+        value <<= n;
+        lsb -= n;
+      }
+      n >>= 1;
+    } while (n);
+    return lsb;
+  }
+/* Sets the least significant part of a bignum to the input value, and
+   zeroes out higher parts.  */
+APInt::tcSet(integerPart *dst, integerPart part, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  dst[0] = part;
+  for(i = 1; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] = 0;
+/* Assign one bignum to another.  */
+APInt::tcAssign(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *src, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] = src[i];
+/* Returns true if a bignum is zero, false otherwise.  */
+APInt::tcIsZero(const integerPart *src, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    if (src[i])
+      return false;
+  return true;
+/* Extract the given bit of a bignum; returns 0 or 1.  */
+APInt::tcExtractBit(const integerPart *parts, unsigned int bit)
+  return(parts[bit / integerPartWidth]
+         & ((integerPart) 1 << bit % integerPartWidth)) != 0;
+/* Set the given bit of a bignum.  */
+APInt::tcSetBit(integerPart *parts, unsigned int bit)
+  parts[bit / integerPartWidth] |= (integerPart) 1 << (bit % integerPartWidth);
+/* Returns the bit number of the least significant bit of a number.
+   If the input number has no bits set -1U is returned.  */
+unsigned int
+APInt::tcLSB(const integerPart *parts, unsigned int n)
+  unsigned int i, lsb;
+  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      if (parts[i] != 0) {
+          lsb = partLSB(parts[i]);
+          return lsb + i * integerPartWidth;
+      }
+  }
+  return -1U;
+/* Returns the bit number of the most significant bit of a number.  If
+   the input number has no bits set -1U is returned.  */
+unsigned int
+APInt::tcMSB(const integerPart *parts, unsigned int n)
+  unsigned int msb;
+  do {
+      --n;
+      if (parts[n] != 0) {
+          msb = PartMSB(parts[n]);
+          return msb + n * integerPartWidth;
+      }
+  } while (n);
+  return -1U;
+/* DST += RHS + C where C is zero or one.  Returns the carry flag.  */
+APInt::tcAdd(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *rhs,
+             integerPart c, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  assert(c <= 1);
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
+    integerPart l;
+    l = dst[i];
+    if (c) {
+      dst[i] += rhs[i] + 1;
+      c = (dst[i] <= l);
+    } else {
+      dst[i] += rhs[i];
+      c = (dst[i] < l);
+    }
+  }
+  return c;
+/* DST -= RHS + C where C is zero or one.  Returns the carry flag.  */
+APInt::tcSubtract(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *rhs,
+                  integerPart c, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  assert(c <= 1);
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
+    integerPart l;
+    l = dst[i];
+    if (c) {
+      dst[i] -= rhs[i] + 1;
+      c = (dst[i] >= l);
+    } else {
+      dst[i] -= rhs[i];
+      c = (dst[i] > l);
+    }
+  }
+  return c;
+/* Negate a bignum in-place.  */
+APInt::tcNegate(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts)
+  tcComplement(dst, parts);
+  tcIncrement(dst, parts);
+/*  DST += SRC * MULTIPLIER + PART   if add is true
+    DST  = SRC * MULTIPLIER + PART   if add is false
+    Requires 0 <= DSTPARTS <= SRCPARTS + 1.  If DST overlaps SRC
+    they must start at the same point, i.e. DST == SRC.
+    If DSTPARTS == SRCPARTS + 1 no overflow occurs and zero is
+    returned.  Otherwise DST is filled with the least significant
+    DSTPARTS parts of the result, and if all of the omitted higher
+    parts were zero return zero, otherwise overflow occurred and
+    return one.  */
+APInt::tcMultiplyPart(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *src,
+                      integerPart multiplier, integerPart carry,
+                      unsigned int srcParts, unsigned int dstParts,
+                      bool add)
+  unsigned int i, n;
+  /* Otherwise our writes of DST kill our later reads of SRC.  */
+  assert(dst <= src || dst >= src + srcParts);
+  assert(dstParts <= srcParts + 1);
+  /* N loops; minimum of dstParts and srcParts.  */
+  n = dstParts < srcParts ? dstParts: srcParts;
+  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    integerPart low, mid, high, srcPart;
+      /* [ LOW, HIGH ] = MULTIPLIER * SRC[i] + DST[i] + CARRY.
+         This cannot overflow, because
+         (n - 1) * (n - 1) + 2 (n - 1) = (n - 1) * (n + 1)
+         which is less than n^2.  */
+    srcPart = src[i];
+    if (multiplier == 0 || srcPart == 0)        {
+      low = carry;
+      high = 0;
+    } else {
+      low = lowHalf(srcPart) * lowHalf(multiplier);
+      high = highHalf(srcPart) * highHalf(multiplier);
+      mid = lowHalf(srcPart) * highHalf(multiplier);
+      high += highHalf(mid);
+      mid <<= integerPartWidth / 2;
+      if (low + mid < low)
+        high++;
+      low += mid;
+      mid = highHalf(srcPart) * lowHalf(multiplier);
+      high += highHalf(mid);
+      mid <<= integerPartWidth / 2;
+      if (low + mid < low)
+        high++;
+      low += mid;
+      /* Now add carry.  */
+      if (low + carry < low)
+        high++;
+      low += carry;
+    }
+    if (add) {
+      /* And now DST[i], and store the new low part there.  */
+      if (low + dst[i] < low)
+        high++;
+      dst[i] += low;
+    } else
+      dst[i] = low;
+    carry = high;
+  }
+  if (i < dstParts) {
+    /* Full multiplication, there is no overflow.  */
+    assert(i + 1 == dstParts);
+    dst[i] = carry;
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    /* We overflowed if there is carry.  */
+    if (carry)
+      return 1;
+    /* We would overflow if any significant unwritten parts would be
+       non-zero.  This is true if any remaining src parts are non-zero
+       and the multiplier is non-zero.  */
+    if (multiplier)
+      for(; i < srcParts; i++)
+        if (src[i])
+          return 1;
+    /* We fitted in the narrow destination.  */
+    return 0;
+  }
+/* DST = LHS * RHS, where DST has the same width as the operands and
+   is filled with the least significant parts of the result.  Returns
+   one if overflow occurred, otherwise zero.  DST must be disjoint
+   from both operands.  */
+APInt::tcMultiply(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *lhs,
+                  const integerPart *rhs, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  int overflow;
+  assert(dst != lhs && dst != rhs);
+  overflow = 0;
+  tcSet(dst, 0, parts);
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    overflow |= tcMultiplyPart(&dst[i], lhs, rhs[i], 0, parts,
+                               parts - i, true);
+  return overflow;
+/* DST = LHS * RHS, where DST has twice the width as the operands.  No
+   overflow occurs.  DST must be disjoint from both operands.  */
+APInt::tcFullMultiply(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *lhs,
+                      const integerPart *rhs, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  int overflow;
+  assert(dst != lhs && dst != rhs);
+  overflow = 0;
+  tcSet(dst, 0, parts);
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    overflow |= tcMultiplyPart(&dst[i], lhs, rhs[i], 0, parts,
+                               parts + 1, true);
+  assert(!overflow);
+/* If RHS is zero LHS and REMAINDER are left unchanged, return one.
+   Otherwise set LHS to LHS / RHS with the fractional part discarded,
+   set REMAINDER to the remainder, return zero.  i.e.
+   SCRATCH is a bignum of the same size as the operands and result for
+   use by the routine; its contents need not be initialized and are
+   destroyed.  LHS, REMAINDER and SCRATCH must be distinct.
+APInt::tcDivide(integerPart *lhs, const integerPart *rhs,
+                integerPart *remainder, integerPart *srhs,
+                unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int n, shiftCount;
+  integerPart mask;
+  assert(lhs != remainder && lhs != srhs && remainder != srhs);
+  shiftCount = tcMSB(rhs, parts);
+  if (shiftCount == -1U)
+    return true;
+  shiftCount = parts * integerPartWidth - shiftCount - 1;
+  n = shiftCount / integerPartWidth;
+  mask = (integerPart) 1 << (shiftCount % integerPartWidth);
+  tcAssign(srhs, rhs, parts);
+  tcShiftLeft(srhs, parts, shiftCount);
+  tcAssign(remainder, lhs, parts);
+  tcSet(lhs, 0, parts);
+  /* Loop, subtracting SRHS if REMAINDER is greater and adding that to
+     the total.  */
+  for(;;) {
+      int compare;
+      compare = tcCompare(remainder, srhs, parts);
+      if (compare >= 0) {
+        tcSubtract(remainder, srhs, 0, parts);
+        lhs[n] |= mask;
+      }
+      if (shiftCount == 0)
+        break;
+      shiftCount--;
+      tcShiftRight(srhs, parts, 1);
+      if ((mask >>= 1) == 0)
+        mask = (integerPart) 1 << (integerPartWidth - 1), n--;
+  }
+  return false;
+/* Shift a bignum left COUNT bits in-place.  Shifted in bits are zero.
+   There are no restrictions on COUNT.  */
+APInt::tcShiftLeft(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts, unsigned int count)
+  unsigned int jump, shift;
+  /* Jump is the inter-part jump; shift is is intra-part shift.  */
+  jump = count / integerPartWidth;
+  shift = count % integerPartWidth;
+  while (parts > jump) {
+    integerPart part;
+    parts--;
+    /* dst[i] comes from the two parts src[i - jump] and, if we have
+       an intra-part shift, src[i - jump - 1].  */
+    part = dst[parts - jump];
+    if (shift) {
+      part <<= shift;
+        if (parts >= jump + 1)
+          part |= dst[parts - jump - 1] >> (integerPartWidth - shift);
+      }
+    dst[parts] = part;
+  }
+  while (parts > 0)
+    dst[--parts] = 0;
+/* Shift a bignum right COUNT bits in-place.  Shifted in bits are
+   zero.  There are no restrictions on COUNT.  */
+APInt::tcShiftRight(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts, unsigned int count)
+  unsigned int i, jump, shift;
+  /* Jump is the inter-part jump; shift is is intra-part shift.  */
+  jump = count / integerPartWidth;
+  shift = count % integerPartWidth;
+  /* Perform the shift.  This leaves the most significant COUNT bits
+     of the result at zero.  */
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
+    integerPart part;
+    if (i + jump >= parts) {
+      part = 0;
+    } else {
+      part = dst[i + jump];
+      if (shift) {
+        part >>= shift;
+        if (i + jump + 1 < parts)
+          part |= dst[i + jump + 1] << (integerPartWidth - shift);
+      }
+    }
+    dst[i] = part;
+  }
+/* Bitwise and of two bignums.  */
+APInt::tcAnd(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *rhs, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] &= rhs[i];
+/* Bitwise inclusive or of two bignums.  */
+APInt::tcOr(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *rhs, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] |= rhs[i];
+/* Bitwise exclusive or of two bignums.  */
+APInt::tcXor(integerPart *dst, const integerPart *rhs, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] ^= rhs[i];
+/* Complement a bignum in-place.  */
+APInt::tcComplement(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    dst[i] = ~dst[i];
+/* Comparison (unsigned) of two bignums.  */
+APInt::tcCompare(const integerPart *lhs, const integerPart *rhs,
+                 unsigned int parts)
+  while (parts) {
+      parts--;
+      if (lhs[parts] == rhs[parts])
+        continue;
+      if (lhs[parts] > rhs[parts])
+        return 1;
+      else
+        return -1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* Increment a bignum in-place, return the carry flag.  */
+APInt::tcIncrement(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts)
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < parts; i++)
+    if (++dst[i] != 0)
+      break;
+  return i == parts;
+/* Set the least significant BITS bits of a bignum, clear the
+   rest.  */
+APInt::tcSetLeastSignificantBits(integerPart *dst, unsigned int parts,
+                                 unsigned int bits)
+  unsigned int i;
+  i = 0;
+  while (bits > integerPartWidth) {
+    dst[i++] = ~(integerPart) 0;
+    bits -= integerPartWidth;
+  }
+  if (bits)
+    dst[i++] = ~(integerPart) 0 >> (integerPartWidth - bits);
+  while (i < parts)
+    dst[i++] = 0;

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