Changes in directory nightlytest-serverside:

NightlyTestAccept.cgi updated: 1.41 -> 1.42
Log message:

The nightly test results emails sent to the testresults email list should now 
contain a list of tests with significant changes.

Diffs of the changes:  (+85 -1)

 NightlyTestAccept.cgi |   86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTestAccept.cgi
diff -u nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTestAccept.cgi:1.41 
--- nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTestAccept.cgi:1.41   Fri Aug  4 12:33:24 2006
+++ nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTestAccept.cgi        Thu Aug 10 13:26:13 2006
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
-# Adding lines of code
+# Adding lines of code to the database
 UpdateCodeInfo $db_date, $loc, $filesincvs, $dirsincvs;
@@ -678,6 +678,82 @@
+# building hash of arrays of signifigant changes to place into the nightly
+# test results email. This is ugly code and is somewhat of a hack. However, it
+# adds very useful information to the nightly test email.
+$query = "select id from night where id<$night_id and machine=$machine_id 
order by id desc";
+my $g = $dbh->prepare($query);
+$row = $g->fetchrow_hashref;
+$query = "select * from program where night=$night_id";
+my $e = $dbh->prepare($query);
+while ($row=$e->fetchrow_hashref){
+    $prog_hash_new{"$row->{'program'}"}=$row->{'result'};
+$query = "select * from program where night=$prev_night";
+my $f = $dbh->prepare($query);
+while ($row=$f->fetchrow_hashref){
+    $prog_hash_old{"$row->{'program'}"}=$row->{'result'};
+foreach my $prog(keys(%prog_hash_new)){
+    #get data from server
+    my @vals_new = split(",", $prog_hash_new{"$prog"});
+    my @vals_old = split(",", $prog_hash_old{'$prog'});
+    #get list of values measured from newest test
+    my @measures={};
+    foreach my $x(@vals_new){
+        $x =~ s/\,//g;
+        $x =~ s/\.//g;
+        $x =~ s/\://g;
+        $x =~ s/\d//g;
+        $x =~ s/\-//g;
+        $x =~ s/ //g;
+        if($x !~ m/\//){
+            push @measures, $x;
+        }
+    }
+    #put measures into hash of arrays
+    foreach my $x(@measures){
+        $prog_hash_new{"$prog"} =~ m/$x:.*?(\d*\.*\d+)/;
+        my $value_new = $1;
+        $value_old=0;
+       if(exists $prog_hash_old{"$prog"}){
+            $prog_hash_old{"$prog"} =~ m/$x:.*?(\d*\.*\d+)/;
+            $value_old = $1;
+        }
+        my $diff = ($value_old - $value_new);
+        my $perc=0;
+        if( $value_old!=0 && ($diff > .2 || $diff < -.2) ){
+            $perc=($diff/$value_old) * 100;
+        }
+        if($perc > 5 || $perc < -5){
+            if( ! exists $output_big_changes{"$x"} ){
+                my $rounded_perc = sprintf("%1.2f", $perc);
+                $output_big_changes{"$x"}[0]="$prog ($x) changed 
\%$rounded_perc ($value_old => $value_new)\n";
+            }
+            else{
+                my $rounded_perc = sprintf("%1.2f", $perc);
+                push(@{ $output_big_changes{"$x"} },"$prog ($x) changed 
\%$rounded_perc ($value_old => $value_new)\n");
+            } #end else
+        }# end if $perc is acceptable
+    }# end foreach measure taken
+} #end for each program we have measurements for
 # Sending email to nightly test email archive
@@ -712,6 +788,14 @@
                $removed_tests = "None";
        $email .= "\nRemoved Tests: $removed_tests\n";
+       print "\nSignificant changes in test results:\n";
+       foreach my $meas(keys(%output_big_changes)){
+           print "$meas:\n";
+           foreach my $x(@{ $output_big_changes{$meas} } ){
+               print "--- $x";
+           }
+       }
        $temp_date = $db_date;

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