Changes in directory llvm/lib/VMCore:

Function.cpp updated: 1.101 -> 1.102
Verifier.cpp updated: 1.147 -> 1.148
Log message:

remove the read/write port/io intrinsics.

Diffs of the changes:  (+0 -51)

 Function.cpp |    6 ------
 Verifier.cpp |   45 ---------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 51 deletions(-)

Index: llvm/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp:1.101 llvm/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp:1.102
--- llvm/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp:1.101  Thu Mar  2 17:58:40 2006
+++ llvm/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp        Thu Mar  2 18:19:44 2006
@@ -265,8 +265,6 @@
   case 'r':
     if (Name == "llvm.returnaddress")    return Intrinsic::returnaddress;
-    if (Name == "llvm.readport")         return Intrinsic::readport;
-    if (Name == "llvm.readio")           return Intrinsic::readio;
     if (Name == "llvm.readcyclecounter") return Intrinsic::readcyclecounter;
   case 's':
@@ -283,10 +281,6 @@
     if (Name == "llvm.va_end")   return Intrinsic::vaend;
     if (Name == "llvm.va_start") return Intrinsic::vastart;
-  case 'w':
-    if (Name == "llvm.writeport") return Intrinsic::writeport;
-    if (Name == "llvm.writeio")   return Intrinsic::writeio;
-    break;
   // The "llvm." namespace is reserved!
   assert(!"Unknown LLVM intrinsic function!");

Index: llvm/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp:1.147 llvm/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp:1.148
--- llvm/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp:1.147  Thu Mar  2 17:58:40 2006
+++ llvm/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp        Thu Mar  2 18:19:44 2006
@@ -702,51 +702,6 @@
     NumArgs = 1;
-  // Verify that read and write port have integral parameters of the correct
-  // signed-ness.
-  case Intrinsic::writeport:
-    Assert1(FT->getNumParams() == 2,
-            "Illegal # arguments for intrinsic function!", IF);
-    Assert1(FT->getParamType(0)->isIntegral(),
-            "First argument not unsigned int!", IF);
-    Assert1(FT->getParamType(1)->isUnsigned(),
-            "First argument not unsigned int!", IF);
-    NumArgs = 2;
-    break;
-  case Intrinsic::writeio:
-    Assert1(FT->getNumParams() == 2,
-            "Illegal # arguments for intrinsic function!", IF);
-    Assert1(FT->getParamType(0)->isFirstClassType(),
-            "First argument not a first class type!", IF);
-    Assert1(isa<PointerType>(FT->getParamType(1)),
-            "Second argument not a pointer!", IF);
-    NumArgs = 2;
-    break;
-  case Intrinsic::readport:
-    Assert1(FT->getNumParams() == 1,
-            "Illegal # arguments for intrinsic function!", IF);
-    Assert1(FT->getReturnType()->isFirstClassType(),
-            "Return type is not a first class type!", IF);
-    Assert1(FT->getParamType(0)->isUnsigned(),
-            "First argument not unsigned int!", IF);
-    NumArgs = 1;
-    break;
-  case Intrinsic::readio: {
-    const PointerType *ParamType = dyn_cast<PointerType>(FT->getParamType(0));
-    const Type *ReturnType = FT->getReturnType();
-    Assert1(FT->getNumParams() == 1,
-            "Illegal # arguments for intrinsic function!", IF);
-    Assert1(ParamType, "First argument not a pointer!", IF);
-    Assert1(ParamType->getElementType() == ReturnType,
-            "Pointer type doesn't match return type!", IF);
-    NumArgs = 1;
-    break;
-  }
   case Intrinsic::isunordered_f32:
     Assert1(FT->getNumParams() == 2,
             "Illegal # arguments for intrinsic function!", IF);

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