Changes in directory llvm/lib/Target:

Makefile updated: ->
SubtargetFeature.cpp updated: 1.4 -> updated: 1.52 ->
TargetLowering.cpp updated: 1.12 -> updated: 1.1 -> updated: 1.3 ->
Log message:

Merged mainline into Vector LLVM branch

Diffs of the changes:  (+312 -80)

 Makefile              |    1 
 SubtargetFeature.cpp  |  231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------             |   50 ++++++++++
 TargetLowering.cpp    |    2     |   19 +--- |   89 ++++++++++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

Index: llvm/lib/Target/Makefile
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/Makefile: llvm/lib/Target/Makefile:
--- llvm/lib/Target/Makefile:   Tue Oct 18 14:21:57 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/Makefile    Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 # the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
 LEVEL = ../..

Index: llvm/lib/Target/SubtargetFeature.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/SubtargetFeature.cpp:1.4 
--- llvm/lib/Target/SubtargetFeature.cpp:1.4    Wed Sep  7 00:44:14 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/SubtargetFeature.cpp        Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -12,18 +12,55 @@
 #include "llvm/Target/SubtargetFeature.h"
-#include <string>
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cctype>
+#include <iostream>
 using namespace llvm;
-/// Splits a string of comma separated items in to a vector of strings.
-void SubtargetFeatures::Split(std::vector<std::string> &V,
-                              const std::string &S) {
+//                          Static Helper Functions
+/// hasFlag - Determine if a feature has a flag; '+' or '-'
+static inline bool hasFlag(const std::string &Feature) {
+  assert(!Feature.empty() && "Empty string");
+  // Get first character
+  char Ch = Feature[0];
+  // Check if first character is '+' or '-' flag
+  return Ch == '+' || Ch =='-';
+/// StripFlag - Return string stripped of flag.
+static inline std::string StripFlag(const std::string &Feature) {
+  return hasFlag(Feature) ? Feature.substr(1) : Feature;
+/// isEnabled - Return true if enable flag; '+'.
+static inline bool isEnabled(const std::string &Feature) {
+  assert(!Feature.empty() && "Empty string");
+  // Get first character
+  char Ch = Feature[0];
+  // Check if first character is '+' for enabled
+  return Ch == '+';
+/// PrependFlag - Return a string with a prepended flag; '+' or '-'.
+static inline std::string PrependFlag(const std::string &Feature,
+                                      bool IsEnabled) {
+  assert(!Feature.empty() && "Empty string");
+  if (hasFlag(Feature)) return Feature;
+  return std::string(IsEnabled ? "+" : "-") + Feature;
+/// Split - Splits a string of comma separated items in to a vector of strings.
+static void Split(std::vector<std::string> &V, const std::string &S) {
   // Start at beginning of string.
   size_t Pos = 0;
   while (true) {
@@ -43,7 +80,8 @@
 /// Join a vector of strings to a string with a comma separating each element.
-std::string SubtargetFeatures::Join(const std::vector<std::string> &V) {
+static std::string Join(const std::vector<std::string> &V) {
   // Start with empty string.
   std::string Result;
   // If the vector is not empty 
@@ -62,73 +100,108 @@
   return Result;
-/// Convert a string to lowercase.
-std::string SubtargetFeatures::toLower(const std::string &S) {
-  // Copy the string
-  std::string Result = S;
-  // For each character in string
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < Result.size(); i++) {
-    // Convert character to lowercase
-    Result[i] = std::tolower(Result[i]);
-  }
-  // Return the lowercased string
-  return Result;
 /// Adding features.
 void SubtargetFeatures::AddFeature(const std::string &String,
                                    bool IsEnabled) {
   // Don't add empty features
   if (!String.empty()) {
     // Convert to lowercase, prepend flag and add to vector
-    Features.push_back(PrependFlag(toLower(String), IsEnabled));
+    Features.push_back(PrependFlag(LowercaseString(String), IsEnabled));
-/// Find item in array using binary search.
-const SubtargetFeatureKV *
-SubtargetFeatures::Find(const std::string &S,
-                        const SubtargetFeatureKV *A, size_t L) {
+/// Find KV in array using binary search.
+template<typename T> const T *Find(const std::string &S, const T *A, size_t L) 
   // Determine the end of the array
-  const SubtargetFeatureKV *Hi = A + L;
+  const T *Hi = A + L;
   // Binary search the array
-  const SubtargetFeatureKV *F = std::lower_bound(A, Hi, S);
+  const T *F = std::lower_bound(A, Hi, S);
   // If not found then return NULL
   if (F == Hi || std::string(F->Key) != S) return NULL;
   // Return the found array item
   return F;
+/// getLongestEntryLength - Return the length of the longest entry in the 
+static size_t getLongestEntryLength(const SubtargetFeatureKV *Table,
+                                    size_t Size) {
+  size_t MaxLen = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; i++)
+    MaxLen = std::max(MaxLen, std::strlen(Table[i].Key));
+  return MaxLen;
 /// Display help for feature choices.
-void SubtargetFeatures::Help(const char *Heading,
-          const SubtargetFeatureKV *Table, size_t TableSize) {
-    // Determine the length of the longest key
-    size_t MaxLen = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < TableSize; i++)
-      MaxLen = std::max(MaxLen, std::strlen(Table[i].Key));
-    // Print heading
-    std::cerr << "Help for " << Heading << " choices\n\n";
-    // For each feature
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
-      // Compute required padding
-      size_t Pad = MaxLen - std::strlen(Table[i].Key) + 1;
-      // Print details
-      std::cerr << Table[i].Key << std::string(Pad, ' ') << " - "
-                << Table[i].Desc << "\n";
-    }
-    // Wrap it up
-    std::cerr << "\n\n";
-    // Leave tool
-    exit(1);
+static void Help(const SubtargetFeatureKV *CPUTable, size_t CPUTableSize,
+                 const SubtargetFeatureKV *FeatTable, size_t FeatTableSize) {
+  // Determine the length of the longest CPU and Feature entries.
+  unsigned MaxCPULen  = getLongestEntryLength(CPUTable, CPUTableSize);
+  unsigned MaxFeatLen = getLongestEntryLength(FeatTable, FeatTableSize);
+  // Print the CPU table.
+  std::cerr << "Available CPUs for this target:\n\n";
+  for (size_t i = 0; i != CPUTableSize; i++)
+    std::cerr << "  " << CPUTable[i].Key
+              << std::string(MaxCPULen - std::strlen(CPUTable[i].Key), ' ')
+              << " - " << CPUTable[i].Desc << ".\n";
+  std::cerr << "\n";
+  // Print the Feature table.
+  std::cerr << "Available features for this target:\n\n";
+  for (size_t i = 0; i != FeatTableSize; i++)
+    std::cerr << "  " << FeatTable[i].Key
+      << std::string(MaxFeatLen - std::strlen(FeatTable[i].Key), ' ')
+      << " - " << FeatTable[i].Desc << ".\n";
+  std::cerr << "\n";
+  std::cerr << "Use +feature to enable a feature, or -feature to disable it.\n"
+            << "For example, llc -mcpu=mycpu -mattr=+feature1,-feature2\n";
+  exit(1);
-/// Parse feature string for quick usage.
-uint32_t SubtargetFeatures::Parse(const std::string &String,
-                                  const std::string &DefaultCPU,
-                                  const SubtargetFeatureKV *CPUTable,
-                                  size_t CPUTableSize,
-                                  const SubtargetFeatureKV *FeatureTable,
-                                  size_t FeatureTableSize) {
+//                    SubtargetFeatures Implementation
+SubtargetFeatures::SubtargetFeatures(const std::string &Initial) {
+  // Break up string into separate features
+  Split(Features, Initial);
+std::string SubtargetFeatures::getString() const {
+  return Join(Features);
+void SubtargetFeatures::setString(const std::string &Initial) {
+  // Throw out old features
+  Features.clear();
+  // Break up string into separate features
+  Split(Features, LowercaseString(Initial));
+/// setCPU - Set the CPU string.  Replaces previous setting.  Setting to "" 
+/// clears CPU.
+void SubtargetFeatures::setCPU(const std::string &String) {
+  Features[0] = LowercaseString(String);
+/// setCPUIfNone - Setting CPU string only if no string is set.
+void SubtargetFeatures::setCPUIfNone(const std::string &String) {
+  if (Features[0].empty()) setCPU(String);
+/// getBits - Get feature bits.
+uint32_t SubtargetFeatures::getBits(const SubtargetFeatureKV *CPUTable,
+                                          size_t CPUTableSize,
+                                    const SubtargetFeatureKV *FeatureTable,
+                                          size_t FeatureTableSize) {
   assert(CPUTable && "missing CPU table");
   assert(FeatureTable && "missing features table");
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -141,14 +214,12 @@
           "CPU features table is not sorted");
-  std::vector<std::string> Features;    // Subtarget features as a vector
   uint32_t Bits = 0;                    // Resulting bits
-  // Split up features
-  Split(Features, String);
-  // Check if default is needed
-  if (Features[0].empty()) Features[0] = DefaultCPU;
-  // Check for help
-  if (Features[0] == "help") Help("CPU", CPUTable, CPUTableSize);
+  // Check if help is needed
+  if (Features[0] == "help")
+    Help(CPUTable, CPUTableSize, FeatureTable, FeatureTableSize);
   // Find CPU entry
   const SubtargetFeatureKV *CPUEntry =
                             Find(Features[0], CPUTable, CPUTableSize);
@@ -164,10 +235,12 @@
   // Iterate through each feature
   for (size_t i = 1; i < Features.size(); i++) {
-    // Get next feature
     const std::string &Feature = Features[i];
     // Check for help
-    if (Feature == "+help") Help("feature", FeatureTable, FeatureTableSize);
+    if (Feature == "+help")
+      Help(CPUTable, CPUTableSize, FeatureTable, FeatureTableSize);
     // Find feature in table.
     const SubtargetFeatureKV *FeatureEntry =
                        Find(StripFlag(Feature), FeatureTable, 
@@ -186,7 +259,32 @@
   return Bits;
-/// Print feature string.
+/// Get info pointer
+void *SubtargetFeatures::getInfo(const SubtargetInfoKV *Table,
+                                       size_t TableSize) {
+  assert(Table && "missing table");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  for (size_t i = 1; i < TableSize; i++) {
+    assert(strcmp(Table[i - 1].Key, Table[i].Key) < 0 && "Table is not 
+  }
+  // Find entry
+  const SubtargetInfoKV *Entry = Find(Features[0], Table, TableSize);
+  if (Entry) {
+    return Entry->Value;
+  } else {
+    std::cerr << "'" << Features[0]
+              << "' is not a recognized processor for this target"
+              << " (ignoring processor)"
+              << "\n";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+/// print - Print feature string.
 void SubtargetFeatures::print(std::ostream &OS) const {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < Features.size(); i++) {
     OS << Features[i] << "  ";
@@ -194,7 +292,8 @@
   OS << "\n";
-/// Dump feature info.
+/// dump - Dump feature info.
 void SubtargetFeatures::dump() const {

Index: llvm/lib/Target/
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/ llvm/lib/Target/
--- llvm/lib/Target/      Mon Oct 10 01:00:30 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/   Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -113,6 +113,12 @@
+// Pull in the common support for scheduling
+include "../"
 // Instruction set description - These classes correspond to the C++ classes in
 // the Target/TargetInstrInfo.h file.
@@ -147,6 +153,8 @@
   bit isTerminator = 0;     // Is this part of the terminator for a basic 
   bit hasDelaySlot = 0;     // Does this instruction have an delay slot?
   bit usesCustomDAGSchedInserter = 0; // Pseudo instr needing special help.
+  InstrItinClass Itinerary; // Execution steps used for scheduling. 
@@ -242,6 +250,48 @@
+// SubtargetFeature - A characteristic of the chip set.
+class SubtargetFeature<string n, string t, string a, string d> {
+  // Name - Feature name.  Used by command line (-mattr=) to determine the
+  // appropriate target chip.
+  //
+  string Name = n;
+  // Type - Type of attribute to be set by feature.
+  //
+  string Type = t;
+  // Attribute - Attribute to be set by feature.
+  //
+  string Attribute = a;
+  // Desc - Feature description.  Used by command line (-mattr=) to display 
+  // information.
+  //
+  string Desc = d;
+// Processor chip sets - These values represent each of the chip sets supported
+// by the scheduler.  Each Processor definition requires corresponding
+// instruction itineraries.
+class Processor<string n, ProcessorItineraries pi, list<SubtargetFeature> f> {
+  // Name - Chip set name.  Used by command line (-mcpu=) to determine the
+  // appropriate target chip.
+  //
+  string Name = n;
+  // ProcItin - The scheduling information for the target processor.
+  //
+  ProcessorItineraries ProcItin = pi;
+  // Features - list of 
+  list<SubtargetFeature> Features = f;
 // Pull in the common support for DAG isel generation
 include "../"

Index: llvm/lib/Target/TargetLowering.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/TargetLowering.cpp:1.12 
--- llvm/lib/Target/TargetLowering.cpp:1.12     Tue Sep 27 17:13:56 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/TargetLowering.cpp  Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
   maxStoresPerMemSet = maxStoresPerMemCpy = maxStoresPerMemMove = 8;
   allowUnalignedMemoryAccesses = false;
   UseUnderscoreSetJmpLongJmp = false;
+  IntDivIsCheap = false;
+  Pow2DivIsCheap = false;
 TargetLowering::~TargetLowering() {}

Index: llvm/lib/Target/
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/ 
--- llvm/lib/Target/       Tue Oct 18 11:23:40 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/   Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -13,13 +13,6 @@
-// Processor chip sets - These values represent each of the chip sets supported
-// by the scheduler.  Each Processor definition requires corresponding
-// instruction itineraries.
-class Processor;
 // Processor functional unit - These values represent the function units
 // available across all chip sets for the target.  Eg., IntUnit, FPUnit, ...
 // These may be independent values for each chip set or may be shared across
@@ -35,8 +28,8 @@
 // need to complete the stage.  Units represent the choice of functional units
 // that can be used to complete the stage.  Eg. IntUnit1, IntUnit2.
-class InstrStage<int latency, list<FuncUnit> units> {
-  int Latency          = latency;     // length of stage in machine cycles
+class InstrStage<int cycles, list<FuncUnit> units> {
+  int Cycles          = cycles;       // length of stage in machine cycles
   list<FuncUnit> Units = units;       // choice of functional units
@@ -68,7 +61,11 @@
 // Processor itineraries - These values represent the set of all itinerary
 // classes for a given chip set.
-class ProcessorItineraries<Processor proc, list<InstrItinData> iid> {
-  Processor Proc = proc;
+class ProcessorItineraries<list<InstrItinData> iid> {
   list<InstrItinData> IID = iid;
+// NoItineraries - A marker that can be used by processors without schedule
+// info.
+def NoItineraries : ProcessorItineraries<[]>;

Index: llvm/lib/Target/
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/ 
--- llvm/lib/Target/   Fri Oct 14 01:40:20 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/       Wed Nov 16 12:32:31 2005
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@
 // Builtin profiles.
 def SDTImm    : SDTypeProfile<1, 0, [SDTCisInt<0>]>;      // for 'imm'.
-def SDTVT     : SDTypeProfile<1, 0, [SDTCisVT<0, OtherVT>]>; // for 'vt'
+def SDTVT     : SDTypeProfile<1, 0, [SDTCisVT<0, OtherVT>]>; // for 'vt'.
+def SDTUNDEF  : SDTypeProfile<1, 0, []>; // for 'undef'.
 def SDTIntBinOp : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [   // add, and, or, xor, udiv, etc.
   SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>, SDTCisInt<0>
@@ -93,11 +94,25 @@
 def SDTFPExtendOp  : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [   // fextend
   SDTCisFP<0>, SDTCisFP<1>, SDTCisOpSmallerThanOp<1, 0>
+def SDTIntToFPOp : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [   // [su]int_to_fp 
+  SDTCisFP<0>, SDTCisInt<1>
+def SDTFPToIntOp : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [   // fp_to_[su]int 
+  SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisFP<1>
 def SDTExtInreg : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [   // sext_inreg
   SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>, SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisVT<2, OtherVT>,
   SDTCisVTSmallerThanOp<2, 1>
+def SDTSetCC : SDTypeProfile<1, 3, [ // setcc
+  SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisSameAs<1, 2>, SDTCisVT<3, OtherVT>
+def SDTSelect : SDTypeProfile<1, 3, [ // select 
+  SDTCisInt<1>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>, SDTCisSameAs<2, 3>
 // Selection DAG Node Properties.
@@ -123,6 +138,8 @@
 def imm        : SDNode<"ISD::Constant"  , SDTImm     , [], "ConstantSDNode">;
 def vt         : SDNode<"ISD::VALUETYPE" , SDTVT      , [], "VTSDNode">;
+def cond       : SDNode<"ISD::CONDCODE"  , SDTVT      , [], "CondCodeSDNode">;
+def undef      : SDNode<"ISD::UNDEF"     , SDTUNDEF   , []>;
 def add        : SDNode<"ISD::ADD"       , SDTIntBinOp   ,
                         [SDNPCommutative, SDNPAssociative]>;
 def sub        : SDNode<"ISD::SUB"       , SDTIntBinOp>;
@@ -146,6 +163,8 @@
 def sext_inreg : SDNode<"ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG", SDTExtInreg>;
 def ctlz       : SDNode<"ISD::CTLZ"       , SDTIntUnaryOp>;
+def cttz       : SDNode<"ISD::CTTZ"       , SDTIntUnaryOp>;
+def ctpop      : SDNode<"ISD::CTPOP"      , SDTIntUnaryOp>;
 def sext       : SDNode<"ISD::SIGN_EXTEND", SDTIntExtendOp>;
 def zext       : SDNode<"ISD::ZERO_EXTEND", SDTIntExtendOp>;
 def anyext     : SDNode<"ISD::ANY_EXTEND" , SDTIntExtendOp>;
@@ -163,6 +182,28 @@
 def fround     : SDNode<"ISD::FP_ROUND"   , SDTFPRoundOp>;
 def fextend    : SDNode<"ISD::FP_EXTEND"  , SDTFPExtendOp>;
+def sint_to_fp : SDNode<"ISD::SINT_TO_FP" , SDTIntToFPOp>;
+def uint_to_fp : SDNode<"ISD::UINT_TO_FP" , SDTIntToFPOp>;
+def fp_to_sint : SDNode<"ISD::FP_TO_SINT" , SDTFPToIntOp>;
+def fp_to_uint : SDNode<"ISD::FP_TO_UINT" , SDTFPToIntOp>;
+def setcc      : SDNode<"ISD::SETCC"      , SDTSetCC>;
+def select     : SDNode<"ISD::SELECT"     , SDTSelect>;
+// Selection DAG Condition Codes
+class CondCode; // ISD::CondCode enums
+def SETOEQ : CondCode; def SETOGT : CondCode;
+def SETOGE : CondCode; def SETOLT : CondCode; def SETOLE : CondCode;
+def SETONE : CondCode; def SETO   : CondCode; def SETUO  : CondCode;
+def SETUEQ : CondCode; def SETUGT : CondCode; def SETUGE : CondCode;
+def SETULT : CondCode; def SETULE : CondCode; def SETUNE : CondCode;
+def SETEQ : CondCode; def SETGT : CondCode; def SETGE : CondCode;
+def SETLT : CondCode; def SETLE : CondCode; def SETNE : CondCode;
 // Selection DAG Node Transformation Functions.
@@ -206,7 +247,6 @@
 // Leaf fragments.
 def immAllOnes : PatLeaf<(imm), [{ return N->isAllOnesValue(); }]>;
-def immZero    : PatLeaf<(imm), [{ return N->isNullValue();    }]>;
 def vtInt      : PatLeaf<(vt),  [{ return MVT::isInteger(N->getVT()); }]>;
 def vtFP       : PatLeaf<(vt),  [{ return MVT::isFloatingPoint(N->getVT()); 
@@ -214,7 +254,50 @@
 // Other helper fragments.
 def not  : PatFrag<(ops node:$in), (xor node:$in, immAllOnes)>;
-def ineg : PatFrag<(ops node:$in), (sub immZero, node:$in)>;
+def ineg : PatFrag<(ops node:$in), (sub 0, node:$in)>;
+// setcc convenience fragments.
+def setoeq : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETOEQ)>;
+def setogt : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETOGT)>;
+def setoge : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETOGE)>;
+def setolt : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETOLT)>;
+def setole : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETOLE)>;
+def setone : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETONE)>;
+def seto   : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETO)>;
+def setuo  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETUO)>;
+def setueq : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETUEQ)>;
+def setugt : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETUGT)>;
+def setuge : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETUGE)>;
+def setult : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETULT)>;
+def setule : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETULE)>;
+def setune : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETUNE)>;
+def seteq  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETEQ)>;
+def setgt  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETGT)>;
+def setge  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETGE)>;
+def setlt  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETLT)>;
+def setle  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETLE)>;
+def setne  : PatFrag<(ops node:$lhs, node:$rhs),
+                     (setcc node:$lhs, node:$rhs, SETNE)>;
 // Selection DAG Pattern Support.

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