Issue 131516
Summary [libc++] `<regex>`: Character class `[\W\D]` fails to match alphabetic characters
Labels libc++
Reporter muellerj2
    The (ECMAScript) regular _expression_ `[\W\D]` describes a character class that matches the union of (a) all non-alphanumeric characters and (b) all non-digits. So effectively, the character class should be equivalent to `[\D]` and thus match all non-digits. However, libc++'s regex implementation only matches non-alphanumeric characters.

Test case:
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

using namespace std;

int main()
 regex re(R"([\W\D])");
    cout << "matches alphabetic: " << regex_match("a", re) << '\n'
         << "matches digit: " << regex_match("0", re) << '\n' 
         << "matches non-alphanumeric: " << regex_match(".", re);
    return 0;

This prints:
matches alphabetic: 0
matches digit: 0
matches non-alphanumeric: 1

But it should print (as MSVC STL and libstdc++ do here):
matches alphabetic: 1
matches digit: 0
matches non-alphanumeric: 1

The problem lies here:

The negated character classes are bitwise or'ed, but De Morgan's law says that `(not w) or (not d) = not (w and d)`, so the bit masks should really be bitwise and'ed. 

But bitwise and'ing is problematic as well, because the standard only provides a guarantee that bitwise or'ing works, but doesn't state that bitwise and'ing corresponds to the intersection of the character classes (see [\[re.grammar/9\]]( Maybe and'ing will still work for libc++'s `std::regex_traits<char>` and `std::regex_traits<wchar_t>` traits classes (although I haven't checked that), but it might not do the right thing for some user-provided traits classes.
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