Issue 131440
Summary code deduplication in case of throw
Labels new issue
Reporter fekir
    Consider following snippet

struct myclass{
    myclass(int i);

#ifdef THROWIT
[[noreturn]] __attribute__((noinline)) void throwit(int i){
    throw myclass(i);
#define THROW(p) throwit(p);
#define THROW(p) throw myclass(p);

void foo(){

void bar(int j){

When writing `throw` directly, "a lot" of code is generated in the body of `bar` and `foo` which is identical, which in turn generates a bigger binary.

When wrapping the `throw` in a non-`inline` function, this duplication does not happen, and since throwing is not cheap (`__cxa_allocate_exception` allocates), the cost of having a non-inline function should be negligible.

Does clang have any option (or chance) for avoiding to wrap all "throw" in functions to reduce the size of the binary?
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