Issue 129201
Summary [alias] will bring in correctness when 2 objects part overlap
Labels new issue
Reporter vfdff
    * test:
typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
} S;

S g_info;

int foo1(S * s)
 int start = g_info.a;
   s->b = 0;
   int end = g_info.a;

   return end - start;


* Now both gcc and clang think **s->b** will not alias to **g_info.a**, so start and end are same value, and return 0 derectlly.
 But when &g_info  and s are part overlap, **s->b** and **g_info.a** may be point to same address ?

 - I already use -Wall to report all warning, but the **dangling pointer** is not identified by clang
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