Issue 128625
Summary Cannot match add instruction with BinaryOperator
Labels new issue
Reporter cctry
    I am writing a simple pass to capture all add instructions.
This is the code within the BB/Inst loop.
auto *BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Inst);
if (!BinOp) {
  llvm::errs() << "Skipping non-binary instruction: " << *Inst << "\n";
  llvm::errs() << "isBinaryOp:  " << Inst->isBinaryOp() << "\n";
I am testing it with this function.
int8_t foo(int8_t a, int8_t b, int8_t c, int8_t d) {
  int8_t e = c + d;
  int8_t f = a + b;
  return e + f;
The IR file is like
define dso_local noundef signext i8 @foo(i8 noundef signext %0, i8 noundef signext %1, i8 noundef signext %2, i8 noundef signext %3) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %5 = add i8 %1, %0
  %6 = add i8 %5, %2
  %7 = add i8 %6, %3
  ret i8 %7
However, the logging shows that no add instructions pass the filter.
Skipping non-binary instruction:   %5 = add i8 %1, %0
isBinaryOp:  0
Skipping non-binary instruction:   %6 = add i8 %5, %2
isBinaryOp:  0
Skipping non-binary instruction:   %7 = add i8 %6, %3
isBinaryOp:  0
Skipping non-binary instruction:   ret i8 %7
isBinaryOp:  0

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