Issue 126661
Summary [MLIR][tensor::ExtractSliceOp] Extract slice verification invalid
Labels mlir
Reporter hockyy

 // Last element is 2044 from extracted_slice
    // extracted_slice is banished
    // ??
    // [.. 2044 2045 2046] [0] [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...]
 //     0    1    2      3   4 5 6 7 8 0
    // Next offset should be 5
 // Ends at 743 (last one, so arg2 size should at least be 744)

%concat = tensor.concat dim(1) %arg1, %extracted_slice, %arg2 : (tensor<8x2047x9xi32>, tensor<8x1x9xi32>, tensor<8x743x9xi32>) -> tensor<8x2791x9xi32>
 %extracted_slice_0 = tensor.extract_slice %concat[3, 100, 0] [2, 300, 2] [2, 9, 3] : tensor<8x2791x9xi32> to tensor<2x300x2xi32>

Why is this not verified?

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