Issue 126582
Summary [Flang] Missing finalization on `LBOUND` when the argument is a reference to a function that has finalizable result.
Labels flang:frontend
Reporter DanielCChen
    Consider the following code
module m
    type base
        integer*4 :: id = 1
        final :: finalizeBaseRank1
    end type

    subroutine finalizeBaseRank1 (b)
        type (base), intent(in) :: b(:)

        print *, 'finalizeBaseRank1'
    end subroutine

    type (base) function func (i)
        integer*4, intent(in) :: i
        dimension func(10:i+10)
        func%id = 0
 end function

end module

program main
use m
integer :: res
res = lbound(func(4), 1)       ! Missing finalization call
res = ubound(func(4), 1)       ! Has the finalization call as expected


Flang seems missing the call to the finalization routine for `lbound` because likely the call is folded at compiler time because the result is 1. However, the standard requires the finalization for the result of reference such a function.
If an executable construct references a nonpointer function, the result is finalized after execution of the innermost executable construct containing the reference.

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