Issue 126541
Summary [asan][win] 'CreateThread' leaks on Windows
Labels new issue
Reporter GkvJwa
    When I used asan for detection on Windows, I found that oom occurred every time

Judging from ```vmmap```, there is a large amount of 'privatedata' that has not been released after new.



Due to the call to ```Virtualalloc```, I spent a lot of time finding the cause of the problem

1.Call the ```Virtualalloc``` here to create space

2.After ```start_routine```, Destory it

The problem here is that when a thread ends on Windows, it will not be called next
  t->Destroy();  // POSIX calls this from TSD destructor.

template <typename ThreadProcedure, bool Ex>
static unsigned long WINAPI thread_start(void* const parameter) throw()

        ThreadProcedure const procedure = reinterpret_cast<ThreadProcedure>(context->_procedure);
        if constexpr (Ex)

static void __cdecl common_end_thread(unsigned int const return_code) throw()
    __acrt_ptd* const ptd = __acrt_getptd_noexit();
    if (!ptd)

    __acrt_thread_parameter* const parameter = ptd->_beginthread_context;
    if (!parameter)

    if (parameter->_initialized_apartment)

    if (parameter->_thread_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && parameter->_thread_handle != nullptr)

    if (parameter->_module_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && parameter->_module_handle != nullptr)
 FreeLibraryAndExitThread(parameter->_module_handle, return_code);


Usually the system calls FreeLibraryAndExitThread to end the thread, As a result, memory cannot be released.
And because my test program happened to frequently create threads and end them normally quickly, it eventually led to oom.
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