Issue 126476
Summary experimental chrono time zone support does not support DST changes when adding to local time
Labels new issue
Reporter pauljohnston2009
    I've been using for a while to handle time zones.
I've recently updated clang (19.1.7), and thought id switch out the date library for the std one.
I know the current features are still experimental, so this is possibly a known issue, though I could not find any similar issues.

I had to include "-fexperimental-library" compiler flags, so please close if this is a know issue, and not an oversight.

The issue is that a local time does not appear to be aware of its own timezone, so operations such as '+' do not work as expected.
tz->to_local() works fine, but trying to add to that (which crosses a DST change) does not consider the extra hour.

TEST(test_chrono_tz, london_dst_cross_add)
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    const auto tz = std::chrono::locate_zone("Europe/London");
    ASSERT_TRUE(tz != nullptr);

    // there is a DST change on March 30, 2025 for Europe/London
    // changes from 1:00 am to 2:00 am
    auto offset = 1h + 15min;
    auto start_time = std::chrono::sys_days(2025y / 3 / 30);

 auto utc_time_with_offset = start_time + offset;
    auto local_time_with_offset = tz->to_local(utc_time_with_offset);

    auto local_start_time = tz->to_local(start_time);
    auto local_time_with_offset_added_after = local_start_time + offset;

 EXPECT_EQ(local_time_with_offset, local_time_with_offset_added_after);

 const char* expected = "2025-03-30 02:15:00";
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, std::format("{:%F %T}", local_time_with_offset));
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, std::format("{:%F %T}", local_time_with_offset_added_after));

results in 

Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 2025-03-30 02:15:00
    Which is: 2025-03-30 01:15:00

Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: "2025-03-30 02:15:00"
  std::format("{:%F %T}", local_time_with_offset_added_after)
    Which is: "2025-03-30 01:15:00"
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