Issue 120863
Summary [clang-tidy] Check request: don't capture `this` by a field of default copyable class
Labels clang-tidy
Reporter denzor200
    Assume the user defined class:
struct A {
   std::string content;
 std::function<void()> captured;
   A() {
    captured = 
 [this]() { // INCORRECT

   void perform() { std::cout << content << std::endl; }

Since it's copy constructor was generated by the compiler, it's behaviour might be unexpected for some user and even can produce a crash with SIGSEGV:
A a;
a.content = "Hello world";

A a1 = a;
a1.content = "Test";
a1.captured(); // will print "Hello world" which might be unexpected
auto a = std::make_unique<A>();
a->content = "Hello world";

auto b = std::make_unique<A>(*a);
b->content = "Ooooups!";
b->captured(); // UB

The way to fix it is to provide manually written copy constructor and assignment operator:
A(const A& oth)
    : content(oth.content)
    , captured([this](){perform();}) {}
A& operator=(const A& oth) {
    if (this != &oth) {
        content = oth.content;
        captured = [this](){perform();};
Making you class noncopyable also protect you from the bug:
A(const A& oth) = delete;
A& operator=(const A& oth) = delete;

But before you fix it you must discover it in the code, so the clang-tidy check in bugprone section would be nice addition.

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