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Summary |
[lldb-dap] VS Code extension does not work (Couldn't find a debug adapter descriptor)
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Hi! I'm testing all popular VS Code extensions I could find and unfortunately LLDB DAP fails to launch. Here is my launch.json entry:
"extension_name": "LLDB DAP",
"name": "LLDB Debug (LLDB DAP)",
"type": "lldb-dap",
"request": "launch",
"initCommands": [ "shell make -C ${workspaceFolder} all" ],
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/main_clang",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/build",
"args": [ "TEST" ],
"env": { "DEBUG_SANDBOX_TEST" : "TEST" }
When I press the debug button, two things happen. In the centre of the screen I see an error window with `Couldn't find a debug adapter descriptor for debug type lldb-dap (extension might have failed to activate)`.
Also in the lower right corner I see VSCode error with `Debug adapter path: /home/kyrylo/.vscode/extensions/llvm-vs-code-extensions.lldb-dap-0.2.8/bin/lldb-dap is not a valid file`.
It is a rather normal VSCode (1.95.3) installation on Gentoo. LLDB DAP is the only installed extension. `lldb` is installed and works, `lldb-dap` is installed and runs.
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