Issue 120812
Summary GH58962 regression: Clang rejects &-qualified member function to be overloaded with const-qualified with mutual exclusive constraints
Labels clang
Reporter zhihaoy
    Worked in: Clang 17
Stop working since: Clang 18

### Symptom

Clang 18.1.0 and trunk reject the following program in `-std=c++20`, but accept it in `-std=c++23`. Clang 17.1.0 accepts it in `-std=c++20`, so does GCC and MSVC.

namespace GH58962_alt

template <unsigned R> struct type
    void func() const
        requires(R == 0);
    void func() &
        requires(R == 1);

template <typename T>
concept test = requires(T v) { decltype(v)(v).func(); };

static_assert(test<type<0> &>);
static_assert(test<type<0> &&>);
static_assert(test<type<1> &>);
static_assert(not test<type<1> &&>);

static_assert(test<type<0> const &>);
static_assert(test<type<0> const &&>);
static_assert(not test<type<1> const &>);
static_assert(not test<type<1> const &&>);

} // namespace GH58962_alt

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