Issue 119972
Summary Issues with udf when assembling for Cortex-M3
Labels new issue
Reporter mateusz-banaszek
    When using clang to assemble for ARM Cortex-M3, I've come across 2 issues with the `udf` (Permanently Undefined) instruction. To illustrate:

.syntax unified

@ Issue 1
udf     #256

@ Issue 2
it eq
udfeq   #20

An attempt to assemble that using clang v19.1.5:

clang -nodefaultlibs -mcpu=cortex-m3 --target=armv7m-none-eabi ./example.s

results in 2 errors:

./example.s:4:9: error: operand must be an immediate in the range [0,255]
udf     #256
./example.s:8:1: error: instruction 'udf' is not predicable, but condition code specified
udfeq #20

However, I don't see a reason to that. *Arm v7-M Architecture Reference Manual* shows 2 instruction encodings: T2 accepts `imm16`, and both accept a condition:

> Encoding T1: UDF\<c> #\<imm8>
> Encoding T2: UDF\<c>.W #\<imm16>

Surprisingly, the [`udf-thumb-2-diagnostics.s`]( test verifies that clang does generate these errors. However, even after reviewing the [`27351f2`]( commit which implemented `udf`, I still don't see a reason to that. I expect that the snippet is assembled to:

f7f0 a100   udf.w #256
bf08   it eq
de14   udfeq #20

So I expect that for Issue 1 clang chooses itself the wide encoding (as it does for, e.g., `adds r0, r1, #1024` vs. `adds r0, r1, #2`), whereas for Issue 2 clang assembles it as the instruction accepts the condition and it is predicable (*Arm v7-M Architecture Reference Manual*: *"`UNDEFINED` Indicates an instruction that generates an Undefined Instruction exception."*). GCC assembles it correctly:

Or is there something I don't understand?
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