Issue 117434
Summary Suggestions for implementing flang's built-in functions "backtrace"
Reporter dty2
    I notice that gfortran's have a intrinsic function "abort" that can abort and print a backtrace when called.
flang also has it, but it only aborts without printing a backtrace.
So, I modified it for flang, and my implemention is different from gfortran's. So I would like to get some suggestions...
the source is
! L2 Norm of a vector
function vector_norm(n,vec) result(norm)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real, intent(in) :: vec(n)
  real :: norm

  norm = sqrt(sum(vec**2))
  call backtrace

end function vector_norm

! Print matrix A to screen
subroutine print_matrix(n,m,A)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: n
 integer, intent(in) :: m
  integer, intent(in) :: A(n, m)

  real :: v(9)
  real :: vector_norm
  integer :: i

  v(:) = 9

  do i = 1, n
    print *, A(i, 1:m)
  end do

  print *, 'Vector norm = ', vector_norm(9,v)
end subroutine print_matrix

program test_backtrace
  integer :: k(10, 10)
  k = 9
  call print_matrix(2, 3, k)
end program test_backtrace
And, gfortran's backtrace print like:
``` bash
#0  0x650cc12924a1 in vector_norm_
        at /home/hunter/plct/fortran/test.f90:10
#1  0x650cc12923ed in print_matrix_
        at /home/hunter/plct/fortran/test.f90:32
#2 0x650cc1292527 in test_backtrace
        at /home/hunter/plct/fortran/test.f90:40
#3  0x650cc1292577 in main
 at /home/hunter/plct/fortran/test.f90:41
And my implemention print like:
./test(_FortranABacktrace+0x32) [0x5b30328e1312]
./test(vector_norm_+0x129) [0x5b30328b38f9]
./test(print_matrix_+0x252) [0x5b30328b3b62]
./test(_QQmain+0x105) [0x5b30328b3c95]
./test(main+0x12) [0x5b30328b3cb2]
/usr/lib/ [0x786915b75e08]
/usr/lib/ [0x786915b75ecc]
./test(_start+0x25) [0x5b30328b36f5]
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