@@ -3421,6 +3441,85 @@ static void genMapInfos(llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+static llvm::Expected<llvm::Function *>
+emitUserDefinedMapper(Operation *declMapperOp, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+                      LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation);
+static llvm::Expected<llvm::Function *>
+getOrCreateUserDefinedMapperFunc(Operation *declMapperOp,
+                                 llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+                                 LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation) {
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Operation *, llvm::Function *> userDefMapperMap;
+  auto iter = userDefMapperMap.find(declMapperOp);
+  if (iter != userDefMapperMap.end())
+    return iter->second;
+  llvm::Expected<llvm::Function *> mapperFunc =
+      emitUserDefinedMapper(declMapperOp, builder, moduleTranslation);
+  if (!mapperFunc)
+    return mapperFunc.takeError();
+  userDefMapperMap.try_emplace(declMapperOp, *mapperFunc);
+  return userDefMapperMap.lookup(declMapperOp);
+static llvm::Expected<llvm::Function *>
+emitUserDefinedMapper(Operation *op, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
+                      LLVM::ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation) {
+  auto declMapperOp = cast<omp::DeclareMapperOp>(op);
+  auto declMapperInfoOp =
+      *declMapperOp.getOps<omp::DeclareMapperInfoOp>().begin();
+  DataLayout dl = DataLayout(declMapperOp->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>());
+  llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder *ompBuilder = moduleTranslation.getOpenMPBuilder();
+  llvm::Type *varType =
+      moduleTranslation.convertType(declMapperOp.getVarType());
+  std::string mapperName = ompBuilder->createPlatformSpecificName(
+      {"omp_mapper", declMapperOp.getSymName()});
+  SmallVector<Value> mapVars = declMapperInfoOp.getMapVars();
+  using InsertPointTy = llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy;
+  // Fill up the arrays with all the mapped variables.
+  MapInfosTy combinedInfo;
+  auto genMapInfoCB =
+      [&](InsertPointTy codeGenIP, llvm::Value *ptrPHI,
+          llvm::Value *unused2) -> llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::MapInfosOrErrorTy {
+    builder.restoreIP(codeGenIP);
+    moduleTranslation.mapValue(declMapperOp.getRegion().getArgument(0), 
+    moduleTranslation.mapBlock(&declMapperOp.getRegion().front(),
+                               builder.GetInsertBlock());
+    if (failed(moduleTranslation.convertBlock(declMapperOp.getRegion().front(),
+                                              /*ignoreArguments=*/true,
+                                              builder)))
+      return llvm::make_error<PreviouslyReportedError>();
+    MapInfoData mapData;
+    collectMapDataFromMapOperands(mapData, mapVars, moduleTranslation, dl,
+                                  builder);
+    genMapInfos(builder, moduleTranslation, dl, combinedInfo, mapData);
+    // Drop the mapping that is no longer necessary so that the same region can
+    // be processed multiple times.
+    moduleTranslation.forgetMapping(declMapperOp.getRegion());
+    return combinedInfo;
+  };
+  auto customMapperCB = [&](unsigned i, llvm::Function **mapperFunc) {
+    if (combinedInfo.Mappers[i]) {
+      // Call the corresponding mapper function.
+      llvm::Expected<llvm::Function *> newFn = 
ergawy wrote:

Can you help me undestand how `emitUserDefinedMapper` and 
`getOrCreateUserDefinedMapperFunc` work together? It seems they are mutually 
recursive but the recusion is not happening because `combinedInfo.Mappers[i]` 
is `false`. Can you explain the sequence of events here a bit?

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