llvmbot wrote:



Author: Tom Stellard (tstellar)


This is a collection of fixes needed for building the release binaries.


Patch is 33.57 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: 

7 Files Affected:

- (modified) .github/workflows/llvm-project-tests.yml (+3-4) 
- (added) .github/workflows/release-binaries-all.yml (+94) 
- (added) .github/workflows/release-binaries-save-stage/action.yml (+38) 
- (added) .github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage/action.yml (+59) 
- (modified) .github/workflows/release-binaries.yml (+329-159) 
- (modified) .github/workflows/release-tasks.yml (+10) 
- (modified) clang/cmake/caches/Release.cmake (+5-1) 

diff --git a/.github/workflows/llvm-project-tests.yml 
index 0a228c41f354e..17a54be16badc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/llvm-project-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/llvm-project-tests.yml
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ jobs:
                 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
                 -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON \
                 -DLLDB_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF \
                 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
                 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
                 $extra_cmake_args \
@@ -142,8 +143,6 @@ jobs:
           LLVM_BUILDDIR: ${{ steps.build-llvm.outputs.llvm-builddir }}
         run: |
-          # Make sure all of LLVM libraries that llvm-config needs are built.
+          # The libclc tests don't have a generated check target so all we can
+          # do is build it.
           ninja -C "$LLVM_BUILDDIR"
-          cmake -G Ninja -S libclc -B libclc-build 
-          ninja -C libclc-build
-          ninja -C libclc-build test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-binaries-all.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..73c9d96946e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-binaries-all.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+name: Release Binaries All
+  contents: read # Default everything to read-only
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      release-version:
+        description: 'Release Version'
+        required: true
+        type: string
+      upload:
+        description: 'Upload binaries to the release page'
+        required: true
+        default: false
+        type: boolean
+  workflow_call:
+    inputs:
+      release-version:
+        description: 'Release Version'
+        required: true
+        type: string
+      upload:
+        description: 'Upload binaries to the release page'
+        required: true
+        default: false
+        type: boolean
+  pull_request:
+    types:
+      - opened
+      - synchronize
+      - reopened
+      # When a PR is closed, we still start this workflow, but then skip
+      # all the jobs, which makes it effectively a no-op.  The reason to
+      # do this is that it allows us to take advantage of concurrency groups
+      # to cancel in progress CI jobs whenever the PR is closed.
+      - closed
+    paths:
+      - '.github/workflows/release-binaries-all.yml'
+      - '.github/workflows/release-binaries.yml'
+      - '.github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage/*'
+      - '.github/workflows/release-binaries-save-stage/*'
+  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || 
'dispatch' }}
+  cancel-in-progress: True
+  setup-variables:
+    if: >-
+      (github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.event.action != 'closed')
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+    outputs:
+      release-version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.release-version }}
+      upload: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.upload }}
+    steps:
+      - shell: bash
+        id: vars
+        run: |
+          upload="${{ inputs.upload }}"
+          release_version="${{ inputs.release-version }}"
+          if [ "${{ github.event_name }}" = "pull_request" ]; then
+            upload="false"
+            release_version=""
+          fi
+          echo "release-version=$release_version" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+          echo "upload=$upload" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+  release-binaries-all:
+    name: Build Release Binaries
+    needs:
+      - setup-variables
+    permissions:
+      contents: write # For release uploads
+      id-token: write     # For artifact attestations
+      attestations: write # For artifact attestations
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        runs-on:
+          - ubuntu-22.04
+          - windows-2022
+          - macos-13
+          - macos-14
+    uses: ./.github/workflows/release-binaries.yml
+    with:
+      release-version: "${{ needs.setup-variables.outputs.release-version }}"
+      upload: ${{ needs.setup-variables.outputs.upload == 'true'}}
+      runs-on: "${{ matrix.runs-on }}"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-binaries-save-stage/action.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e2f3eeadd15be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-binaries-save-stage/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+name: Save Stage
+description: >-
+  Upload the source and binary directories from a build stage so that they
+  can be re-used in the next stage.  This action is used to the release
+  binaries workflow into multiple stages to avoid the 6 hour timeout on
+  the GitHub hosted runners.
+  build-prefix:
+    description: "Directory containing the build directory."
+    required: true
+    type: 'string'
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    # We need to create an archive of the build directory, because it has too
+    # many files to upload.
+    - name: Package Build and Source Directories
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        # Windows does not support symlinks, so we need to dereference them.
+        tar --exclude build/ ${{ (runner.os == 'Windows' && '-h') || '' }} -c 
. | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
+        mv ../llvm-project.tar.zst .
+        tar -C ${{ inputs.build-prefix }} -c build/ | zstd -T0 -c > 
+    - name: Upload Stage 1 Source
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 
+      with:
+        name: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-${{ github.job }}-source
+        path: llvm-project.tar.zst
+        retention-days: 2
+    - name: Upload Stage 1 Build Dir
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 
+      with:
+        name: ${{ runner.os}}-${{ runner.arch }}-${{ github.job }}-build
+        path: build.tar.zst
+        retention-days: 2
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage/action.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f5e5db27e6595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+name: Setup Stage
+description: >-
+  Setup the next stage of the release binaries workflow.  This sets up the
+  environment correctly for a new stage of the release binaries workflow
+  and also restores the source and build directory from the previous stage.
+  previous-artifact:
+    description: >-
+      A unique descriptor for the artifact from the previous stage.  This will
+      be used to construct the final artifact pattern, which is:
+    required: false
+    type: 'string'
+  build-prefix:
+    description: "Directory containing the build directory."
+    value: ${{ steps.build-prefix.outputs.build-prefix }}
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - name: Install Ninja
+      uses: 
llvm/actions/install-ninja@22e9f909d35b50bd1181709564bfe816eaeaae81 # main
+    - name: Setup Windows
+      if: startsWith(runner.os, 'Windows')
+      uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows@main
+      with:
+        arch: amd64
+    - name: Set Build Prefix
+      id: build-prefix
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        build_prefix=`pwd`
+        if [ "${{ runner.os }}" = "Linux" ]; then
+          sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/
+          build_prefix=/mnt/
+        fi
+        echo "build-prefix=$build_prefix" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+    - name: Download Previous Stage Artifact
+      if: ${{ inputs.previous-artifact }}
+      id: download
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 
# v4.1.1
+      with:
+        pattern: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-${{ 
inputs.previous-artifact }}-*
+        merge-multiple: true
+    - name: Unpack Artifact
+      if: ${{ steps.download.outputs.download-path }}
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
+        rm llvm-project.tar.zst
+        tar --zstd -C ${{ steps.build-prefix.outputs.build-prefix}} -xf 
+        rm build.tar.zst
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-binaries.yml 
index 7de4d00334d14..b1b046dbad5f8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release-binaries.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-binaries.yml
@@ -5,28 +5,38 @@ on:
         description: 'Release Version'
-        required: true
+        required: false
         type: string
         description: 'Upload binaries to the release page'
         required: true
         default: false
         type: boolean
+      runs-on:
+        description: "Runner to use for the build"
+        required: true
+        type: choice
+        options:
+          - ubuntu-22.04
+          - windows-2022
+          - macos-13
+          - macos-14
         description: 'Release Version'
-        required: true
+        required: false
         type: string
         description: 'Upload binaries to the release page'
         required: true
         default: false
         type: boolean
-  schedule:
-    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
-    - cron:  '0 8 1 * *'
+      runs-on:
+        description: "Runner to use for the build"
+        required: true
+        type: string
   contents: read # Default everything to read-only
@@ -34,30 +44,39 @@ permissions:
     name: Prepare to build binaries
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+    runs-on: ${{ inputs.runs-on }}
     if: github.repository == 'llvm/llvm-project'
       release-version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.release-version }}
       ref: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.ref }}
       upload: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.upload }}
+      target-cmake-flags: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.target-cmake-flags }}
+      build-flang: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.build-flang }}
+      enable-pgo: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.enable-pgo }}
+      release-binary-basename: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.release-binary-basename 
+      release-binary-filename: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.release-binary-filename 
     - name: Checkout LLVM
       uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
     - name: Install Dependencies
+      shell: bash
       run: |
         pip install --require-hashes -r ./llvm/utils/git/requirements.txt
     - name: Check Permissions
+      if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
         GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
         USER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_TASKS_USER_TOKEN }}
+      shell: bash
       run: |
         ./llvm/utils/release/./github-upload-release.py --token 
"$GITHUB_TOKEN" --user ${{ github.actor }} --user-token "$USER_TOKEN" 
     - name: Collect Variables
       id: vars
+      shell: bash
       # In order for the test-release.sh script to run correctly, the LLVM
       # source needs to be at the following location relative to the build dir:
       # | X.Y.Z-rcN | ./rcN/llvm-project
@@ -67,242 +86,393 @@ jobs:
       # | X.Y.Z-rcN | -rc N -test-asserts
       # | X.Y.Z     | -final
       run: |
-        tag="${{ github.ref_name }}"
         trimmed=$(echo ${{ inputs.release-version }} | xargs)
-        [[ "$trimmed" != "" ]] && tag="llvmorg-$trimmed"
-        if [ "$tag" = "main" ]; then
-          # If tag is main, then we've been triggered by a scheduled so pass so
-          # use the head commit as the tag.
-          tag=`git rev-parse HEAD`
+        if [ -n "$trimmed" ]; then
+          release_version="$trimmed"
+          ref="llvmorg-$release_version"
+        else
+          release_version="${{ (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && 
format('PR{0}', github.event.pull_request.number)) || 'CI'}}-${{ github.sha }}"
+          ref=${{ github.sha }}
         if [ -n "${{ inputs.upload }}" ]; then
           upload="${{ inputs.upload }}"
-        bash .github/workflows/set-release-binary-outputs.sh "$tag" "$upload"
+        echo "release-version=$release_version">> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        echo "ref=$ref" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        echo "upload=$upload" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        release_binary_basename="LLVM-$release_version-${{ runner.os }}-${{ 
runner.arch }}"
+        echo "release-binary-basename=$release_binary_basename" >> 
+        echo "release-binary-filename=$release_binary_basename.tar.xz" >> 
+        # Detect necessary CMake flags
+        target="${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}"
+        echo "enable-pgo=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        target_cmake_flags="-DLLVM_RELEASE_ENABLE_PGO=OFF"
+        # The macOS builds try to cross compile some libraries so we need to
+        # add extra CMake args to disable them.
+        # See https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/99767
+        if [ "${{ runner.os }}" = "macOS" ]; then
+          target_cmake_flags="$target_cmake_flags 
+          if [ "${{ runner.arch }}" = "ARM64" ]; then
+            arches=arm64
+          else
+            arches=x86_64
+          fi
+          target_cmake_flags="$target_cmake_flags 
+        fi
+        # x86 macOS and x86 Windows have trouble building flang, so disable it.
+        # Windows: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/100202
+        # macOS: 'rebase opcodes terminated early at offset 1 of 80016' when 
building __fortran_builtins.mod
+        build_flang="true"
+        if [ "$target" = "Windows-X64" ]; then
+          target_cmake_flags="$target_cmake_flags 
+          build_flang="false"
+        fi
+        if [ "${{ runner.os }}" = "Windows" ]; then
+          # The build times out on Windows, so we need to disable LTO.
+          target_cmake_flags="$target_cmake_flags 
+        fi
-  build-stage1-linux:
-    name: "Build Stage 1 Linux"
+        echo "target-cmake-flags=$target_cmake_flags" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+        echo "build-flang=$build_flang" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+  build-stage1:
+    name: "Build Stage 1"
     needs: prepare
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
     if: github.repository == 'llvm/llvm-project'
+    runs-on: ${{ inputs.runs-on }}
+    - name: Checkout Actions
+      uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
+      with:
+        ref: ${{ (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.sha) || 'main' 
+        sparse-checkout: |
+          .github/workflows/
+        sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+        # Check out outside of working directory so the source checkout doesn't
+        # remove it.
+        path: workflows
+    # actions/checkout does not support paths outside of the GITHUB_WORKSPACE.
+    # Also, anything that we put inside of GITHUB_WORKSPACE will be overwritten
+    # by future actions/checkout steps.  Therefore, in order to checkout the
+    # latest actions from main, we need to first checkout out the actions 
inside of
+    # GITHUB_WORKSPACE (see previous step), then use actions/checkout to 
+    # the code being built and the move the actions from main back into 
+    # becasue the uses on composite actions only reads workflows from inside 
+    - shell: bash
+      run: mv workflows  ../workflows-main
     - name: Checkout LLVM
       uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
         ref: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.ref }}
-    - name: Install Ninja
-      uses: 
llvm/actions/install-ninja@22e9f909d35b50bd1181709564bfe816eaeaae81 # main
+    - name: Copy main workflows
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        mv ../workflows-main .
+    - name: Setup Stage
+      id: setup-stage
+      uses: ./workflows-main/.github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage
     - name: Setup sccache
       uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@ca3acd2731eef11f1572ccb126356c2f9298d35e 
# v1.2.9
-        max-size: 250M
-        key: sccache-${{ runner.os }}-release
+        # Default to 2G to workaround: 
+        max-size: 2G
+        key: sccache-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-release
         variant: sccache
     - name: Build Stage 1 Clang
+      id: build
+      shell: bash
       run: |
-        sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/
-        cmake -G Ninja -C clang/cmake/caches/Release.cmake 
llvm -B /mnt/build
-        ninja -v -C /mnt/build
-    # We need to create an archive of the build directory, because it has too
-    # many files to upload.
-    - name: Package Build and Source Directories
-      run: |
-        tar -c . | zstd -T0 -c > llvm-project.tar.zst
-        tar -C /mnt/ -c build/ | zstd -T0 -c > build.tar.zst
-    - name: Upload Stage 1 Source
-      uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 
-      with:
-        name: stage1-source
-        path: llvm-project.tar.zst
-        retention-days: 2
-    - name: Upload Stage 1 Build Dir
-      uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 
+        # There were some issues on the ARM64 MacOS runners with trying to 
build x86 object,
+        # so we need to set some extra cmake flags to disable this.
+        cmake -G Ninja -S llvm -B ${{ steps.setup-stage.outputs.build-prefix 
}}/build \
+            ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.target-cmake-flags }} \
+            -C clang/cmake/caches/Release.cmake \
needs.prepare.outputs.release-binary-basename }}" \
+            -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
+            -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache
+        ninja -v -C ${{ steps.setup-stage.outputs.build-prefix }}/build
+        # There is a race condition on the MacOS builders and this command is 
+        # to help debug that when it happens.
+        ls -ltr ${{ steps.setup-stage.outputs.build-prefix }}/build
+    - name: Save Stage
+      uses: ./workflows-main/.github/workflows/release-binaries-save-stage
-        name: stage1-build
-        path: build.tar.zst
-        retention-days: 2
+        build-prefix: ${{ steps.setup-stage.outputs.build-prefix }}
-  build-stage2-linux:
-    name: "Build Stage 2 Linux"
+  build-stage2:
+    name: "Build Stage 2"
       - prepare
-      - build-stage1-linux
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+      - build-stage1
     if: github.repository == 'llvm/llvm-project'
+    runs-on: ${{ inputs.runs-on }}
-    - name: Install Ninja
-      uses: 
llvm/actions/install-ninja@22e9f909d35b50bd1181709564bfe816eaeaae81 # main
-    - name: Download Stage 1 Artifacts
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 
# v4.1.1
+    - name: Checkout Actions
+      uses: actions/checkout@v4
-        pattern: stage1-*
-        merge-multiple: true
-    - name: Unpack Artifacts
-      run: |
-        tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
-        rm llvm-project.tar.zst
-        sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/
-        tar --zstd -C /mnt -xf build.tar.zst
-        rm build.tar.zst
+        ref: ${{ (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.sha) || 'main' 
+        sparse-checkout: |
+          .github/workflows/
+        sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+        path: workflows
+    - name: Setup Stage
+      id: setup-stage
+      uses: ./workflows/.github/workflows/release-binaries-setup-stage
+      with:
+        previous-artifact: build-stage1
     - name: Build Stage 2
       # Re-enable once PGO builds are supported.
-      if: false
-      run: |
-        ninja -C /mnt/build stage2-instrumented
-    # We need to create an archive ...



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