@@ -614,6 +614,17 @@
 - `--lite-threshold-pct=<uint>`
+  Threshold (in percent) of matched profile at which stale profile inference is
+  applied to functions. Argument corresponds to the sum of matched execution
+  counts of function blocks divided by the sum of execution counts of function
+  blocks. E.g if the sum of a function blocks' execution counts is 100, the sum
+  of the function blocks' matched execution counts is 10, and the argument is 
+  (15%), profile inference will not be applied to that function. A higher
+  threshold will correlate with fewer functions to process in cases of stale
+  profile. Default set to %5.
WenleiHe wrote:

nit: this is too verbose of a description. as you can see it's longer than most 
of other descriptions. :) 

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