@@ -2210,42 +2287,68 @@ static llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags 
   // Fortran pointers and allocatables, the mapping of the pointed to
   // data by the descriptor (which itself, is a structure containing
   // runtime information on the dynamically allocated data).
-  llvm::Value *lowAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(
-      mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex], builder.getPtrTy());
-  llvm::Value *highAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(
-      builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(mapData.BaseType[mapDataIndex],
-                                 mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex], 1),
-      builder.getPtrTy());
+  auto parentClause =
+      mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(mapData.MapClause[mapDataIndex]);
+  llvm::Value *lowAddr, *highAddr;
+  if (!parentClause.getPartialMap()) {
+    lowAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex],
+                                        builder.getPtrTy());
+    highAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(
+        builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(mapData.BaseType[mapDataIndex],
+                                   mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex], 1),
+        builder.getPtrTy());
+    combinedInfo.Pointers.emplace_back(mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex]);
+  } else {
+    auto mapOp =
+        mlir::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(mapData.MapClause[mapDataIndex]);
+    int firstMemberIdx = getMapDataMemberIdx(
+        mapData, getFirstOrLastMappedMemberPtr(mapOp, true));
+    lowAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(mapData.Pointers[firstMemberIdx],
+                                        builder.getPtrTy());
+    int lastMemberIdx = getMapDataMemberIdx(
+        mapData, getFirstOrLastMappedMemberPtr(mapOp, false));
+    highAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(
+        builder.CreateGEP(mapData.BaseType[lastMemberIdx],
+                          mapData.Pointers[lastMemberIdx], 
+        builder.getPtrTy());
+    combinedInfo.Pointers.emplace_back(mapData.Pointers[firstMemberIdx]);
+  }
   llvm::Value *size = builder.CreateIntCast(
       builder.CreatePtrDiff(builder.getInt8Ty(), highAddr, lowAddr),
-  // This creates the initial MEMBER_OF mapping that consists of
-  // the parent/top level container (same as above effectively, except
-  // with a fixed initial compile time size and seperate maptype which
-  // indicates the true mape type (tofrom etc.) and that it is a part
-  // of a larger mapping and indicating the link between it and it's
-  // members that are also explicitly mapped).
+  // TODO: This will need expanded to include the whole host of logic for the
skatrak wrote:

  // TODO: This will need to be expanded to include the whole host of logic for 

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