Author: Joseph Huber
Date: 2021-01-04T12:03:15-05:00
New Revision: fe5d51a4897c26696fede55e120c912df60cd3f4


LOG: [OpenMP] Add using bit flags to select Libomptarget Information

This patch adds more fine-grained support over which information is output from 
the libomptarget runtime when run with the environment variable 
LIBOMPTARGET_INFO set. An extensible set of flags can be used to pick and 
choose which information the user is interested in.

Reviewers: jdoerfert JonChesterfield grokos

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/include/Debug.h 
index 4f42794e1bca..de593ecf5c3e 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/include/Debug.h
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/include/Debug.h
@@ -37,24 +37,38 @@
-static inline int getInfoLevel() {
-  static int InfoLevel = -1;
-  if (InfoLevel >= 0)
-    return InfoLevel;
-  if (char *EnvStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_INFO"))
-    InfoLevel = std::stoi(EnvStr);
+#include <mutex>
+/// 32-Bit field data attributes controlling information presented to the user.
+enum OpenMPInfoType : uint32_t {
+  // Print data arguments and attributes upon entering an OpenMP device kernel.
+  // Indicate when an address already exists in the device mapping table.
+  // Dump the contents of the device pointer map at kernel exit or failure.
+  // Print kernel information from target device plugins
+static inline uint32_t getInfoLevel() {
+  static uint32_t InfoLevel = 0;
+  static std::once_flag Flag{};
+  std::call_once(Flag, []() {
+    if (char *EnvStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_INFO"))
+      InfoLevel = std::stoi(EnvStr);
+  });
   return InfoLevel;
-static inline int getDebugLevel() {
-  static int DebugLevel = -1;
-  if (DebugLevel >= 0)
-    return DebugLevel;
-  if (char *EnvStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG"))
-    DebugLevel = std::stoi(EnvStr);
+static inline uint32_t getDebugLevel() {
+  static uint32_t DebugLevel = 0;
+  static std::once_flag Flag{};
+  std::call_once(Flag, []() {
+    if (char *EnvStr = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG"))
+      DebugLevel = std::stoi(EnvStr);
+  });
   return DebugLevel;
@@ -107,7 +121,7 @@ static inline int getDebugLevel() {
 /// Print a generic information string used if LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=1
 #define INFO_MESSAGE(_num, ...)                                                
   do {                                                                         
-    fprintf(stderr, GETNAME(TARGET_NAME) " device %d info: ", _num);           
+    fprintf(stderr, GETNAME(TARGET_NAME) " device %d info: ", (int)_num);      
     fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                              
   } while (0)

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/include/SourceInfo.h 
index 614f99e62afe..c659d916837b 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/include/SourceInfo.h
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/include/SourceInfo.h
@@ -54,6 +54,13 @@ class SourceInfo {
       return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(name));
+  std::string initStr(const ident_t *loc) {
+    if (!loc)
+      return ";unknown;unknown;0;0;;";
+    else
+      return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(loc->psource));
+  }
   /// Get n-th substring in an expression separated by ;.
   std::string getSubstring(const int n) const {
     std::size_t begin = sourceStr.find(';');
@@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ class SourceInfo {
   SourceInfo(const ident_t *loc)
-      : sourceStr(initStr(loc->psource)), name(getSubstring(1)),
+      : sourceStr(initStr(loc)), name(getSubstring(1)),
         column(std::stoi(getSubstring(3))) {}

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp 
index 0422bfbfe319..4fac6a76710e 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/plugins/cuda/src/rtl.cpp
@@ -501,11 +501,12 @@ class DeviceRTLTy {
       DeviceData[DeviceId].BlocksPerGrid = EnvTeamLimit;
-    INFO(DeviceId,
-         "Device supports up to %d CUDA blocks and %d threads with a "
-         "warp size of %d\n",
-         DeviceData[DeviceId].BlocksPerGrid,
-         DeviceData[DeviceId].ThreadsPerBlock, DeviceData[DeviceId].WarpSize);
+    if (getDebugLevel() || (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_PLUGIN_KERNEL))
+      INFO(DeviceId,
+           "Device supports up to %d CUDA blocks and %d threads with a "
+           "warp size of %d\n",
+           DeviceData[DeviceId].BlocksPerGrid,
+           DeviceData[DeviceId].ThreadsPerBlock, 
     // Set default number of teams
     if (EnvNumTeams > 0) {
@@ -937,14 +938,15 @@ class DeviceRTLTy {
       CudaBlocksPerGrid = TeamNum;
-    INFO(DeviceId,
-         "Launching kernel %s with %d blocks and %d threads in %s "
-         "mode\n",
-         (getOffloadEntry(DeviceId, TgtEntryPtr))
-             ? getOffloadEntry(DeviceId, TgtEntryPtr)->name
-             : "(null)",
-         CudaBlocksPerGrid, CudaThreadsPerBlock,
-         (KernelInfo->ExecutionMode == SPMD) ? "SPMD" : "Generic");
+    if (getDebugLevel() || (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_PLUGIN_KERNEL))
+      INFO(DeviceId,
+           "Launching kernel %s with %d blocks and %d threads in %s "
+           "mode\n",
+           (getOffloadEntry(DeviceId, TgtEntryPtr))
+               ? getOffloadEntry(DeviceId, TgtEntryPtr)->name
+               : "(null)",
+           CudaBlocksPerGrid, CudaThreadsPerBlock,
+           (KernelInfo->ExecutionMode == SPMD) ? "SPMD" : "Generic");
     CUstream Stream = getStream(DeviceId, AsyncInfo);
     Err = cuLaunchKernel(KernelInfo->Func, CudaBlocksPerGrid, /* gridDimY */ 1,

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/src/device.cpp 
index 9d6f8bde1d0e..64a79f7a28c9 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/src/device.cpp
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/src/device.cpp
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ DeviceTy::DeviceTy(RTLInfoTy *RTL)
       MemoryManager(nullptr) {}
 DeviceTy::~DeviceTy() {
-  if (DeviceID == -1 || getInfoLevel() < 1)
+  if (DeviceID == -1 || !(getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_DUMP_TABLE))
-  dumpTargetPointerMappings(*this);
+  ident_t loc = {0, 0, 0, 0, ";libomptarget;libomptarget;0;0;;"};
+  dumpTargetPointerMappings(&loc, *this);
 int DeviceTy::associatePtr(void *HstPtrBegin, void *TgtPtrBegin, int64_t Size) 
@@ -217,14 +218,16 @@ void *DeviceTy::getOrAllocTgtPtr(void *HstPtrBegin, void 
     uintptr_t tp = HT.TgtPtrBegin + ((uintptr_t)HstPtrBegin - HT.HstPtrBegin);
-    INFO(DeviceID,
-         "Mapping exists%s with HstPtrBegin=" DPxMOD ", TgtPtrBegin=" DPxMOD
-         ", "
-         "Size=%" PRId64 ",%s RefCount=%s, Name=%s\n",
-         (IsImplicit ? " (implicit)" : ""), DPxPTR(HstPtrBegin), DPxPTR(tp),
-         Size, (UpdateRefCount ? " updated" : ""),
-         HT.isRefCountInf() ? "INF" : std::to_string(HT.getRefCount()).c_str(),
-         (HstPtrName) ? getNameFromMapping(HstPtrName).c_str() : "(null)");
+    if (getDebugLevel() || getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_MAPPING_EXISTS)
+      INFO(DeviceID,
+           "Mapping exists%s with HstPtrBegin=" DPxMOD ", TgtPtrBegin=" DPxMOD
+           ", "
+           "Size=%" PRId64 ",%s RefCount=%s, Name=%s\n",
+           (IsImplicit ? " (implicit)" : ""), DPxPTR(HstPtrBegin), DPxPTR(tp),
+           Size, (UpdateRefCount ? " updated" : ""),
+           HT.isRefCountInf() ? "INF"
+                              : std::to_string(HT.getRefCount()).c_str(),
+           (HstPtrName) ? getNameFromMapping(HstPtrName).c_str() : "unknown");
     rc = (void *)tp;
   } else if ((lr.Flags.ExtendsBefore || lr.Flags.ExtendsAfter) && !IsImplicit) 
     // Explicit extension of mapped data - not allowed.

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/src/interface.cpp 
index b17be27275e7..b5af0b140585 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/src/interface.cpp
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/src/interface.cpp
@@ -57,22 +57,27 @@ static void HandleTargetOutcome(bool success, ident_t *loc 
= nullptr) {
   case tgt_mandatory:
     if (!success) {
-      if (getInfoLevel() > 1)
+      if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_DUMP_TABLE)
         for (const auto &Device : PM->Devices)
-          dumpTargetPointerMappings(Device);
+          dumpTargetPointerMappings(loc, Device);
-        FAILURE_MESSAGE("run with env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO>1 to dump host-target "
-                        "pointer maps\n");
+        FAILURE_MESSAGE("Run with LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG=%d to dump host-target "
+                        "pointer mappings.\n",
+                        OMP_INFOTYPE_DUMP_TABLE);
       SourceInfo info(loc);
       if (info.isAvailible())
         fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: ", info.getFilename(), info.getLine(),
-            "Build with debug information to provide more information");
+        FAILURE_MESSAGE("Source location information not present. Compile with 
+                        "-g or -gline-tables-only.\n");
           1, "failure of target construct while offloading is mandatory");
+    } else {
+      if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_DUMP_TABLE)
+        for (const auto &Device : PM->Devices)
+          dumpTargetPointerMappings(loc, Device);
@@ -147,12 +152,15 @@ EXTERN void __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper(ident_t *loc, 
int64_t device_id,
   DeviceTy &Device = PM->Devices[device_id];
+  if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_KERNEL_ARGS)
+    printKernelArguments(loc, device_id, arg_num, arg_sizes, arg_types,
+                         arg_names, "Entering OpenMP data region");
   for (int i = 0; i < arg_num; ++i) {
     DP("Entry %2d: Base=" DPxMOD ", Begin=" DPxMOD ", Size=%" PRId64
        ", Type=0x%" PRIx64 ", Name=%s\n",
        i, DPxPTR(args_base[i]), DPxPTR(args[i]), arg_sizes[i], arg_types[i],
-       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "(null)");
+       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "unknown");
@@ -227,12 +235,15 @@ EXTERN void __tgt_target_data_end_mapper(ident_t *loc, 
int64_t device_id,
+  if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_KERNEL_ARGS)
+    printKernelArguments(loc, device_id, arg_num, arg_sizes, arg_types,
+                         arg_names, "Exiting OpenMP data region");
   for (int i=0; i<arg_num; ++i) {
     DP("Entry %2d: Base=" DPxMOD ", Begin=" DPxMOD ", Size=%" PRId64
        ", Type=0x%" PRIx64 ", Name=%s\n",
        i, DPxPTR(args_base[i]), DPxPTR(args[i]), arg_sizes[i], arg_types[i],
-       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "(null)");
+       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "unknown");
@@ -294,6 +305,10 @@ EXTERN void __tgt_target_data_update_mapper(ident_t *loc, 
int64_t device_id,
+  if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_KERNEL_ARGS)
+    printKernelArguments(loc, device_id, arg_num, arg_sizes, arg_types,
+                         arg_names, "Updating OpenMP data");
   DeviceTy &Device = PM->Devices[device_id];
   int rc = targetDataUpdate(Device, arg_num, args_base, args, arg_sizes,
                             arg_types, arg_names, arg_mappers);
@@ -351,12 +366,15 @@ EXTERN int __tgt_target_mapper(ident_t *loc, int64_t 
device_id, void *host_ptr,
     return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+  if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_KERNEL_ARGS)
+    printKernelArguments(loc, device_id, arg_num, arg_sizes, arg_types,
+                         arg_names, "Entering OpenMP kernel");
   for (int i=0; i<arg_num; ++i) {
     DP("Entry %2d: Base=" DPxMOD ", Begin=" DPxMOD ", Size=%" PRId64
        ", Type=0x%" PRIx64 ", Name=%s\n",
        i, DPxPTR(args_base[i]), DPxPTR(args[i]), arg_sizes[i], arg_types[i],
-       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "(null)");
+       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "unknown");
@@ -423,12 +441,15 @@ EXTERN int __tgt_target_teams_mapper(ident_t *loc, 
int64_t device_id,
     return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+  if (getInfoLevel() & OMP_INFOTYPE_KERNEL_ARGS)
+    printKernelArguments(loc, device_id, arg_num, arg_sizes, arg_types,
+                         arg_names, "Entering OpenMP kernel");
   for (int i=0; i<arg_num; ++i) {
     DP("Entry %2d: Base=" DPxMOD ", Begin=" DPxMOD ", Size=%" PRId64
        ", Type=0x%" PRIx64 ", Name=%s\n",
        i, DPxPTR(args_base[i]), DPxPTR(args[i]), arg_sizes[i], arg_types[i],
-       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "(null)");
+       (arg_names) ? getNameFromMapping(arg_names[i]).c_str() : "unknown");
@@ -436,7 +457,6 @@ EXTERN int __tgt_target_teams_mapper(ident_t *loc, int64_t 
                   arg_types, arg_names, arg_mappers, team_num, thread_limit,
                   true /*team*/);
   HandleTargetOutcome(rc == OFFLOAD_SUCCESS, loc);
   return rc;

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/src/private.h 
index a494e1ddb043..00826ae417dc 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/src/private.h
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/src/private.h
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
-#include <omptarget.h>
 #include <Debug.h>
+#include <SourceInfo.h>
+#include <omptarget.h>
 #include <cstdint>
@@ -90,20 +91,60 @@ int __kmpc_get_target_offload(void) __attribute__((weak));
 /// dump a table of all the host-target pointer pairs on failure
-static inline void dumpTargetPointerMappings(const DeviceTy &Device) {
+static inline void dumpTargetPointerMappings(const ident_t *Loc,
+                                             const DeviceTy &Device) {
   if (Device.HostDataToTargetMap.empty())
-  fprintf(stderr, "Device %d Host-Device Pointer Mappings:\n", 
-  fprintf(stderr, "%-18s %-18s %s %s\n", "Host Ptr", "Target Ptr", "Size (B)",
-          "Declaration");
+  SourceInfo Kernel(Loc);
+  INFO(Device.DeviceID,
+       "OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after block at %s:%d:%d:\n",
+       Kernel.getFilename(), Kernel.getLine(), Kernel.getColumn());
+  INFO(Device.DeviceID, "%-18s %-18s %s %s %s\n", "Host Ptr", "Target Ptr",
+       "Size (B)", "RefCount", "Declaration");
   for (const auto &HostTargetMap : Device.HostDataToTargetMap) {
-    SourceInfo info(HostTargetMap.HstPtrName);
-    fprintf(stderr, DPxMOD " " DPxMOD " %-8lu %s at %s:%d:%d\n",
-            DPxPTR(HostTargetMap.HstPtrBegin),
-            DPxPTR(HostTargetMap.TgtPtrBegin),
-            HostTargetMap.HstPtrEnd - HostTargetMap.HstPtrBegin, 
-            info.getFilename(), info.getLine(), info.getColumn());
+    SourceInfo Info(HostTargetMap.HstPtrName);
+    INFO(Device.DeviceID, DPxMOD " " DPxMOD " %-8lu %-8ld %s at %s:%d:%d\n",
+         DPxPTR(HostTargetMap.HstPtrBegin), DPxPTR(HostTargetMap.TgtPtrBegin),
+         (long unsigned)(HostTargetMap.HstPtrEnd - HostTargetMap.HstPtrBegin),
+         HostTargetMap.getRefCount(), Info.getName(), Info.getFilename(),
+         Info.getLine(), Info.getColumn());
+  }
+/// Print out the names and properties of the arguments to each kernel
+static inline void
+printKernelArguments(const ident_t *Loc, const int64_t DeviceId,
+                     const int32_t ArgNum, const int64_t *ArgSizes,
+                     const int64_t *ArgTypes, const map_var_info_t *ArgNames,
+                     const char *RegionType) {
+  SourceInfo info(Loc);
+  INFO(DeviceId, "%s at %s:%d:%d with %d arguments:\n", RegionType,
+       info.getFilename(), info.getLine(), info.getColumn(), ArgNum);
+  for (int32_t i = 0; i < ArgNum; ++i) {
+    const map_var_info_t varName = (ArgNames) ? ArgNames[i] : nullptr;
+    const char *type = nullptr;
+    const char *implicit =
+        (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_IMPLICIT) ? "(implicit)" : "";
+    if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_TO && ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_FROM)
+      type = "tofrom";
+    else if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_TO)
+      type = "to";
+    else if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_FROM)
+      type = "from";
+    else if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_PRIVATE)
+      type = "private";
+    else if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_LITERAL)
+      type = "firstprivate";
+    else if (ArgTypes[i] & OMP_TGT_MAPTYPE_TARGET_PARAM && ArgSizes[i] != 0)
+      type = "alloc";
+    else
+      type = "use_address";
+    INFO(DeviceId, "%s(%s)[%ld] %s\n", type,
+         getNameFromMapping(varName).c_str(), ArgSizes[i], implicit);

diff  --git a/openmp/libomptarget/test/offloading/info.c 
index e0d3f1a0e94c..e04f9ccaaf42 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/test/offloading/info.c
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/test/offloading/info.c
@@ -1,15 +1,38 @@
-// RUN: %libomptarget-compile-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda && env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=1 
%libomptarget-run-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda 2>&1 | %fcheck-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda 
-allow-empty -check-prefix=INFO
+// RUN: %libomptarget-compile-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -gline-tables-only && env 
LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=23 %libomptarget-run-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda 2>&1 | 
%fcheck-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -allow-empty -check-prefix=INFO
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <omp.h>
+#define N 64
 int main() {
-    int ptr = 1;
+  int A[N];
+  int B[N];
+  int C[N];
+  int val = 1;
-// INFO: CUDA device {{[0-9]+}} info: Device supports up to {{[0-9]+}} CUDA 
blocks and {{[0-9]+}} threads with a warp size of {{[0-9]+}}
-// INFO: CUDA device {{[0-9]+}} info: Launching kernel {{.*}} with {{[0-9]+}} 
blocks and {{[0-9]+}} threads in Generic mode
-#pragma omp target map(tofrom:ptr)
-  {ptr = 1;}
+// INFO: CUDA device 0 info: Device supports up to {{.*}} CUDA blocks and 
{{.*}} threads with a warp size of {{.*}}
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: Entering OpenMP data region at 
info.c:33:1 with 3 arguments:
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: alloc(A[0:64])[256]
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: tofrom(B[0:64])[256]
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: to(C[0:64])[256]
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after 
block at info.c:33:1:
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: Host Ptr           Target Ptr         
Size (B) RefCount Declaration
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: {{.*}} {{.*}} 256      1        C[0:64] 
at info.c:11:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: {{.*}} {{.*}} 256      1        B[0:64] 
at info.c:10:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: {{.*}} {{.*}} 256      1        A[0:64] 
at info.c:9:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: Entering OpenMP kernel at info.c:34:1 
with 1 arguments:
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: firstprivate(val)[4]
+// INFO: CUDA device 0 info: Launching kernel {{.*}} with {{.*}} and {{.*}} 
threads in {{.*}} mode
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after 
block at info.c:34:1:
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: Host Ptr           Target Ptr         
Size (B) RefCount Declaration
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: 0x{{.*}} 0x{{.*}} 256      1        
C[0:64] at info.c:11:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: 0x{{.*}} 0x{{.*}} 256      1        
B[0:64] at info.c:10:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: 0x{{.*}} 0x{{.*}} 256      1        
A[0:64] at info.c:9:7
+// INFO: Libomptarget device 0 info: Exiting OpenMP data region at info.c:33:1
+#pragma omp target data map(alloc:A[0:N]) map(tofrom:B[0:N]) map(to:C[0:N])
+#pragma omp target firstprivate(val)
+  { val = 1; }
   return 0;

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