On 01/30/2020 12:47 PM, David Major wrote:
> Would it make sense to wait until 10.0.0 is released, in order to keep all 
> the blockers in one place?

Yes, I think this makes sense, let's postpone until then.


> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 1:32 PM Tom Stellard via llvm-dev 
> <llvm-...@lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-...@lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>     On 01/30/2020 10:24 AM, Aaron Ballman wrote:
>     > On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 1:21 PM Tom Stellard via cfe-dev
>     > <cfe-...@lists.llvm.org <mailto:cfe-...@lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> On 10/24/2019 07:54 PM, James Y Knight via llvm-dev wrote:
>     >>> We held a round-table at the llvm dev conference about what other 
> pieces of Github infrastructure we may want to use. This thread in particular 
> is about switching to github issue tracking. Use of other parts of Github 
> functionality was also discussed -- but that should be for other email 
> threads.
>     >>>
>     >>> Most of the ideas here were from other people. I /believe/ this 
> proposal represents the overall feeling of the folks at the round-table, in 
> spirit if not in exact details, but nobody else has reviewed this text, so I 
> can't make any specific such claim as to who the "we" represents, other than 
> myself. Just assume all the good ideas here were from others, and all the bad 
> parts I misremembered or invented.
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >> Hi,
>     >>
>     >> I want to restart this discussion.  There seemed to be support for 
> this,
>     >> but we got held up trying to decide on the appropriate set of tags to
>     >> use to classify issues.
>     >>
>     >> I propose that we move forward with this proposal and disable creation 
> of
>     >> new bugs in bugzilla on Feb 11, and require all new bugs be filed via 
> GitHub
>     >> issues from that date forward.
>     >>
>     >> I think that for choosing the tags to use, we should just take requests
>     >> from the community over the next week and add whatever is asked for.  
> The main
>     >> purpose of adding tags is so we can setup cc lists for bugs, so I 
> think this
>     >> is a good way to ensure that we have tags people care about.  We can 
> always
>     >> add more tags later if necessary.
>     >>
>     >> What does everyone think about this?
>     >
>     > What did we decide to do with all the existing issues in Bugzilla?
>     >
>     This is undecided.  The first step of this  proposal only affects new 
> issues.
>     Existing issues will remain in bugzilla and will be updated there too.  At
>     some point in the future bugzilla will become read-only and/or the issues 
> will
>     be migrated somewhere else, but no decision has been made about how to do 
> that yet.
>     -Tom
>     > ~Aaron
>     >
>     >>
>     >> -Tom
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>> Background
>     >>> ----
>     >>> Our bugzilla installation is...not great. It's been not-great for a 
> long time now.
>     >>>
>     >>> Last year, I argued against switching to github issues. I was 
> somewhat optimistic that it was possible to improve our bugzilla in some 
> incremental ways...but we haven't. Additionally, the upstream bugzilla 
> project was supposed to make a new release of bugzilla ("harmony"), based on 
> bugzilla.mozilla.org <http://bugzilla.mozilla.org> 
> <http://bugzilla.mozilla.org>'s fork, which is much nicer. I thought we would 
> be able to upgrade to that. But there has been no such release, and not much 
> apparent progress towards such. I can't say with any confidence that there 
> will ever be. I no longer believe it really makes sense to continue using 
> bugzilla.
>     >>>
>     >>> This year, we again discussed switching. This time, nobody really 
> spoke up in opposition. So, this time, instead of debating /whether/ we 
> should switch, we discussed /how/ we should switch. And came up with a plan 
> to switch quickly.
>     >>>
>     >>> GitHub issues may not be perfect, but I see other similarly-large 
> projects using it quite successfully (e.g. rust-lang/rust) -- so I believe it 
> should be good for us, as well. Importantly, Github Issues is significantly 
> less user-hostile than our bugzilla is, for new contributors and downstream 
> developers who just want to tell us about bugs!
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Proposal
>     >>> ----
>     >>> We propose to enable Github issues for the llvm-project repository in 
> approximately two weeks from now, and instruct everyone to start filing new 
> issues there, rather than in bugzilla.
>     >>>
>     >>> Some things we'd like to get in place before turning on Github's 
> Issue tracker:
>     >>> 1. Updated documentation.
>     >>> 2. An initial set of issue tags we'd like to use for 
> triaging/categorizing issues.
>     >>> 3. Maybe setup an initial issue template. Or maybe multiple 
> templates. Or maybe not.
>     >>>
>     >>> But more important are the things we do /not/ want to make 
> prerequisites for turning on Github issues:
>     >>>
>     >>> We do /not/ yet plan to turn off Bugzilla, and do /not/ plan to 
> migrate the existing issues to GitHub as a prerequisite for switching. We 
> will thus expect that people continue using bugzilla for commenting on the 
> existing bugs -- for the moment.
>     >>>
>     >>> We do /not/ want to build supplementary notification systems to make 
> github issues send additional emails that it is unable to send itself. We 
> will only support what GitHub supports. That means:
>     >>> - You can subscribe to notification emails for activity in the entire 
> llvm-project repository.
>     >>> - You can subscribe to notification emails on an individual issue.
>     >>> - Someone else can CC you on an individual issue to get your 
> attention, and you will get notifications from that (unless you opt-out).
>     >>> - No emails will be sent to llvm-b...@llvm.org 
> <mailto:llvm-b...@llvm.org> <mailto:llvm-b...@llvm.org 
> <mailto:llvm-b...@llvm.org>> for github issues.
>     >>> - There is no builtin way for users to subscribe to emails for bugs 
> that have a given label (for example, all "clang" issues, or all x86 issues).
>     >>>
>     >>> Further steps
>     >>> ----
>     >>> After we migrate, there's still things we want to do:
>     >>>
>     >>> 1. Discuss and setup new and better procedures around bug triage and 
> prioritization.
>     >>>
>     >>> What we have been doing up until now has not been great in any case. 
> Switching bug-trackers is a great opportunity to try to do something better. 
> E.g., like what the rust project has done 
> (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#issue-triage, 
> https://forge.rust-lang.org/release/triage-procedure.html#issue-triage).
>     >>>
>     >>> 2. Bug migration
>     >>>
>     >>> /After/ the initial switchover, we do want to investigate two 
> possibilities for migrating issues and turning off the bugzilla server. I 
> expect which one is chosen will come down mostly to feasibility of 
> implementation.
>     >>>
>     >>> Possibility 1: Migrate /all/ the existing bugs into a secondary 
> "llvm-bugs-archive" github repository, and then turn off bugzilla. Github 
> offers the ability to move bugs from one repository to another, and so we can 
> use this to move bugs that are still relevant afterwards (potentially this 
> could be done automatically upon any activity). Then, shut down bugzilla, and 
> leave behind only a redirect script.
>     >>>
>     >>> Possibility 2: Create the ability to import an individual bug from 
> Bugzilla into the llvm-project repository by pressing a "migrate this bug to 
> github" button. Then, leave bugzilla running only as a static snapshot -- as 
> static as possible while leaving the "migrate this bug to github" button 
> operational.
>     >>>
>     >>> In both cases, we'd want to support a redirect script to take you 
> from the old bug ids to the migrated bug page. In both cases, we would 
> /preserve/ the entire archive of existing bugs, but would not import the 
> entire set into the "llvm-project" github repository.
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
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>     >>>
>     >>
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