Yikes. This is how it is coded currently as we do a search by removing any decl 
context and then making sure all resulting strings match by starting with 
"A::AMethod", strip off the basename so we get "AMethod", search for all 
matches, and then we currently make sure the result contains "A::AMethod".  
Since "AA::AMethod" contains it, it matches. This is how it has always been.

What we need to do is to ensure there is a decl context boundary ("::" for C++) 
or the start of the string where the match started.


> On Aug 29, 2019, at 5:33 PM, Jim Ingham via lldb-dev 
> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> If I have a program like:
> class A {
> public:
>  int AMethod() { return 100; }
> };
> class AA {
> public:
>  int AMethod() { return 200; }
> };
> int
> main()
> {
>  A myA;
>  AA myAA;
>  myA.AMethod();
>  myAA.AMethod();
>  return 0;
> }
> Build and run it under lldb, and do:
> (lldb) b s -n A::AMethod
> Breakpoint 1: 2 locations.
> (lldb) break list
> Current breakpoints:
> 1: name = 'A::AMethod', locations = 2
>  1.1: where = many_names`A::AMethod() + 8 at many_names.cpp:3:19, address = 
> many_names[0x0000000100000f78], unresolved, hit count = 0 
>  1.2: where = many_names`AA::AMethod() + 8 at many_names.cpp:8:19, address = 
> many_names[0x0000000100000f88], unresolved, hit count = 0 
> I think that's wrong.  The point of the fuzziness in -n is that you can leave 
> out containing namespaces, or arguments, and we'll still match what you've 
> given us.  But IMO that should only expand the search into containing 
> contexts.  It is surprising to me that if I specify A::AMethod, I also match 
> the one in the namespace AA.  If you wanted to match .*A::AMethod, you could 
> do that with a regular expression.  But there's no easy way to not pick up 
> extra breakpoints if you happen to have overlaps like this, so it seems like 
> expanding -n to strstr type matches seems like a bad idea.
> I wondered if other folks thought this was desirable behavior.
> Jim
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