Good day Ted -

Thanks for responding - but I did try that one:

      (lldb) wa s v x
      error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff,
size=0, variable
      error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0
      (lldb) wa s -s 2 v x
      invalid command 'watchpoint set -s'.
      (lldb) wa s v -s 2 x
      error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff,
size=0, variable
      error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0

  I can't seem to get lldb to recognize the '-s' / '--size' options no matter
  where I put them .  And the documentation, such as it is,
  (on, is very vague and incomplete.

  I guess my problems are  because I am  compiling with GCC , and trying
  to debug with LLDB .
  But since the program I am debugging is targetted mainly for the
Linux platform,
  (I am just using MacOSX for testing) I wanted to compile with GCC .

  I guess it is not possible to debug GCC compiled programs with LLDB ?

  The problem I am trying to track down is stack corruption caused by
  fprintf() :

        void f ( void *r, unsigned short x )
        {  ...
           fprintf(stderr, "some string %lu %c\n",
                    r==(void*)0UL)? 255UL : A_MACRO(r),
                    x? '0' : '1'
             // after this fprintf, the value of x changes from 12 to 8630 .
             // why ? It would be nice to be able to use LLDB to find out,
            //  but this does not work.

     I've just had to comment out the fprintf , so the problem does not occur.

     Coming from a background of using GDB for the past 25 years, I find
     this lack of watchpoint support in LLDB very difficult to accept.

Thanks & Best Regards,

On 15/02/2019, Ted Woodward <> wrote:
> "w s v x" would be the command you want.
> (lldb) b f
> Breakpoint 1: where = watch`f + 12 at watch.c:5:4, address = 0x000050ec
> (lldb) r
> hexagon-sim INFO: The rev_id used in the simulation is 0x00004060
> (v60a_512)
> hexagon-sim INFO: Setting up debug server on port 57824
> Process 1 launched: '/usr2/tedwood/lldb_test/watch' (hexagon)
> Process 1 stopped
> * thread #1, name = 'T1', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
>     frame #0: 0x000050ec watch`f(i=2) at watch.c:5:4
>    2
>    3    unsigned short f(unsigned short i)
>    4    {
> -> 5      i++;
>    6      return i;
>    7    }
>    8
> (lldb) w s v i
> Watchpoint created: Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x0410eec6 size = 2 state = enabled
> type = w
>     declare @ '/usr2/tedwood/lldb_test/watch.c:3'
>     watchpoint spec = 'i'
>     new value: 2
> (lldb) c
> Process 1 resuming
> Watchpoint 1 hit:
> old value: 2
> new value: 3
> Process 1 stopped
> * thread #1, name = 'T1', stop reason = watchpoint 1
>     frame #0: 0x000050f8 watch`f(i=3) at watch.c:6:10
>    3    unsigned short f(unsigned short i)
>    4    {
>    5      i++;
> -> 6      return i;
>    7    }
>    8
>    9    int main(int argc, char **argv)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lldb-dev <> On Behalf Of Jason Vas Dias
> via lldb-dev
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 1:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: [lldb-dev] how to set a watchpoint on an "unsigned short" parameter
> ?
> Good day -
>   I'd be most grateful if anyone could enlighten me as to how
>   to set a watchpoint on an unsigned short parameter variable
>   in lldb .
>   I am trying to follow the instructions at :
>   but they do not work to set watchpoints.
>   There seems to be no other documentation for LLDB commands -
>   or if anyone knows of any , please let me know.
>   I have a function like :
>     void f ( unsigned short x )
>     { .... }
>   With the debugger stopped inside f, I have tried:
>    (lldb)  p &x
>    (uint16_t *) $3 = 0x00000001001122c0
>    (lldb) wa s v -s 2 -w write 0x00000001001122c0
>    error: no variable named '0x00000001001122c0' found in this frame
>    (lldb) wa s v -s 2 -w write x
>    error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff, size=0,
> variable
>    expression='x').
>    error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0
>    (lldb) wa s e -s 2 -w write 0x00000001001122c0
>    error: expression evaluation of address to watch failed
>    expression evaluated: -s 2 -w write 0x00000001001122c0
>    (lldb) wa s e -s 2 -w write *0x00000001001122c0
>    error: expression evaluation of address to watch failed
>    expression evaluated: -s 2 -w write *0x00000001001122c0
>    (lldb) wa s e -s 2 -w write ((unsigned short*)0x00000001001122c0)
>    error: expression evaluation of address to watch failed
>    expression evaluated: -s 2 -w write ((unsigned
> short*)0x00000001001122c0)
>    (lldb) wa s v -s 2 -w write &x
>    error: 'x' doesn't have a valid address
>    # ^- this error is really strange, particularly as I can do:
>    (lldb) p &x
>    (uint16_t *) $5 = 0x00000001001122c0
>   It seems to me lldb's implementation of watch points is fundamentally
> broken -
>   there is no way I've been able to get it to work .
>   Unfortunately, I have to use MacOSX, so gdb is not available.
>   Please, can anyone suggest how to successfully set a watchpoint on
>   a parameter (stack) located variable value with lldb ?
>   It does not seem to be possible.
>   My next step, if no answers to this mail, would be to analyse the LLDB
>   source code to see if I can figure out how watchpoints are meant to
>   be set, seeing as there is no reference documentation for LLDB commands,
>   either installed as manual pages or online.  This to me makes LLDB
> unsuitable
>   for production use, but unforunately I have to use it (I need to debug
> under
>   MacOSX 10,14.3 ).
>    The help output for is of no use either:
>    (lldb) help watch set
>    "Syntax: watchpoint set <subcommand> [<subcommand-options>]
>     The following subcommands are supported:
>       expression -- Set a watchpoint on an address by supplying an
> expression. Use the
>       '-w' option to specify the type of watchpoint and the '-s'
> option to specify the
>       byte size to watch for.
>     "
>     The above statement is provably false:
>      (lldb) wa s v -s 2 x
>      error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff, size=0,
>                variable expression='x').
>      error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0
>      # maybe the -s option goes after the 'set' ? no:
>     (lldb) wa s -s 2 v reader_id
>     invalid command 'watchpoint set -s'.
>     All attempts to
>      "Use the '-w' option to specify the type of watchpoint and the '-s'
> option to
>       specify the byte size to watch for.
>      "
>     fail,  so there must be alot missing from the help description.
>     The help for the variable syntax is also vague, and provably false :
>      "variable   -- Set a watchpoint on a variable. Use the '-w'
> option to specify the type
>                      of watchpoint and the '-s' option to specify the byte
> size to watch for.
>                     If no '-w' option is specified, it defaults to write. If
> no '-s' option is
>                     specified, it defaults to the variable's byte size. Note
> that there are
>                     limited hardware resources for watchpoints. If
> watchpoint setting
>                     fails, consider disable/delete existing ones to free up
> resources.
>       (lldb) wa s v x
>       error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff, size=0,
> variable
>                 expression='x').
>       error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0
>       (lldb) wa s -s 2 v x
>       invalid command 'watchpoint set -s'.
>       (lldb) wa s v -s 2 x
>       error: Watchpoint creation failed (addr=0xffffffffffffffff, size=0,
> variable
>                 expression='x').
>       error: cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0
>    So lldb's watch command can neither get the size from a '-s' option, nor
> can
>    it get the size from sizeof(variable) . How then is one meant to set the
> size ?
>    Obviously, lldb's watchpoint implementation needs much further work -
> has
>    anyone been able to get it to do anything useful ? If so, please let me
> know how,
>    and what.
>    If there is any reference documentation for lldb, besides the false and
> misleading
>    '', which actually describes in detail
> and
>    correctly the syntax of every lldb command, please let me know.
>    Any ideas gratefully received.
> Thank You & Best Regards,
> Jason Vas Dias
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