On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 12:29 PM <ted.woodw...@codeaurora.org> wrote:

> I build with the VS project. I find it more convenient to do that than
> have VS and a cmd window open to run ninja. Especially when I’ve got more
> than 1 copy of VS open looking at different release trains. I wouldn’t mind
> using ninja to build, but only if it worked when I right click on lldb and
> select “Build”.

This seems like a bit of an extreme position to take.   We shouldn't be
making decisions about supported configurations based on what keyboard /
mouse incantation is used to invoke a command.  The important thing is
whether or not there's a reasonable substitute for peoples' existing
workflows.  Pushing (for example) Ctrl+Alt+B instead of Ctrl+Shift+B I
consider reasonable (or typing ninja from a command prompt I also consider
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