> On Mar 4, 2018, at 12:03 PM, William Schmidt via lldb-dev 
> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hello lldb devs,
> Hacking away at my lldb command history on macOS Darwin 10.13.3
> lldb -v =>
> lldb-900.0.64
>   Swift-4.0
> I discovered that ESC-b moves the cursor one word to the left, while ESC-f 
> moves the cursor one word to the right; word in the regular  expression 
> sense. However, lldb does not remember that ESC switches the mode, as it does 
> in bash. Each movement of the cursor must use that ESC sequence, such that to 
> move, say 8 words left to get to the beginning of an 8-word line requires 8 
> separate ESC-b keyboard events. This is better than using the left arrow to 
> move one char at a time but lldb deserves an editing mode functionally 
> equivalent to what bash offers. And since bash is open-source, it should just 
> be a matter of grabbing the bash source that implements command line editing 
> and going from there.
> Am I missing any other ESC sequences that have been implemented but not 
> documented?

If you want to see the exact configuration of LLDB's command interpreter see 
the Editline::ConfigureEditor() function in Editline.cpp. You can edit your 
~/.editrc and override anything you want, so it is highly configurable.

Mine contains:

$ cat ~/Dropbox/.editrc 
lldb:bind '^[[5C' vi-next-word
lldb:bind '^[[5D' vi-prev-word
lldb:bind '^D' ed-delete-next-char
lldb:bind '^B' ed-command
lldb:bind '^P' ed-search-prev-history
lldb:bind '^N' ed-search-next-history

.editrc is for all apps, but you can bind "lldb" specific bindings as shown 


> Regards,
> Will Schmidt
> T. William Schmidt
> Ola, AR 72853
> t.william.schm...@gmail.com <mailto:t.william.schm...@gmail.com>
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