> On Dec 4, 2017, at 3:50 PM, Jim Ingham <jing...@apple.com> wrote:
> There isn't a setting to auto-continue from exec.  Definitely should be.  

Yeah, I assumed that I could redefine my “r” alias to include this, but there 
is no flag to process launch.

> If somebody wants to try their hand at it, just add a setting in parallel to 
> stop-on-sharedlibrary-events and then add a ShouldStop to the StopInfoExec 
> (StopInfo.cpp) that checks this setting.  The StopInfoSignal does something 
> equivalent, should be able to copy that.
> For macOS, you can also just do:
> (lldb) break set -n _dyld_start --skip-prologue 0 -s dyld
> Breakpoint 2: where = dyld`_dyld_start, address = 0x000000010000b19c
> (lldb) b com add -o continue
> either in your .lldbinit or in your debug session.  

This doesn’t appear to work, I tried both lldb and in a debug session.  I’m 
starting lldb with “lldb -- swiftc … “ if that matters.

(lldb) break set -n _dyld_start --skip-prologue 0 -s dyld
Breakpoint 1: where = dyld`_dyld_start, address = 0x0000000000001000
(lldb) b com add -o continue
Breakpoint 2: no locations (pending).
WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.

> If you are using TOT lldb you can do:
> (lldb) break set -n _dyld_start --skip-prologue 0 -s dyld --auto-continue 1

I’m not :(


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