I’ve seen crashes on Linux when building with 2.7.6 and using the 2.7.3 
.so/library directory, so I’m not willing to say building on Windows with 3.6.1 
and using the 3.5.2 dll/library directory will work. Python has never been very 
forgiving when using a different setup than what you built with.


My point with that statement is you’ve got to make sure the runtime environment 
matches the build environment, something harder to do on Windows where there is 
no default runtime environment.



Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.

The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a Linux 
Foundation Collaborative Project


From: Zachary Turner [mailto:ztur...@google.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 3:05 PM
To: Ted Woodward <ted.woodw...@codeaurora.org>; Jamie Madill 
<nul...@gmail.com>; lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org
Subject: Re: [lldb-dev] Python scripting in Windows LLDB



On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:39 PM Ted Woodward via lldb-dev 
<lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org <mailto:lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> > wrote:

Python support on Windows is much more problematic than support on something 
like MacOS or Linux. The python you use when you run lldb must be the same 
python used when you build it. Bad things happen – warnings, crashes, etc – 
when you use a different rev of the dll/so or the library directory (which 
contains dlls/sos) than what was used when building lldb. 

This is no longer true right?  That was one of the major drivers behind moving 
to Python 3.5.  All that matters is 


a) The build configuration matches (if LLDB was built against Python debug, you 
must have debug libraries available)

b) The architecture matches (if it's an x64 build of LLDB, you need x64 Python 

c) The version is 3.5 or higher.


Aside from that it shouldn't matter

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