Hi all,

Here are the data I extracted from the survey, along with a large chunk of the 
quotes (minus deduplications) arranged by “categories”.

I plan to prune this a bit further and use this to drive the BoF tomorrow. I 
hope we’ll have a productive discussion!




> On Oct 31, 2016, at 4:55 PM, Mehdi Amini <mehdi.am...@apple.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you probably know, we’ll meet on the first day of the conference, right 
> before lunch, to discuss about a possible move of our hosting to Git/GitHub, 
> and consider the various options and associated tradeoff (Schedule entry 
> here: http://sched.co/8Yzj <http://sched.co/8Yzj> )
> I’d like to remind you that the detail of the proposals and the variants is 
> online here: http://llvm.org/docs/Proposals/GitHubMove.html 
> <http://llvm.org/docs/Proposals/GitHubMove.html> ; and that a survey is 
> opened here: https://goo.gl/forms/ZYs0Wv9g0w0ikCRQ2 
> <https://goo.gl/forms/ZYs0Wv9g0w0ikCRQ2>
> Please fill the survey if you haven’t yet!
> If you answer the survey to represent your company position, I invite you 
> submit separately an answer as an individual contributor as well, since some 
> questions are more relevant for one group or the other.
> I will produce some slides to summarize the variants, and the survey results 
> at the beginning of the BoF. I’d like to send an extended version of the 
> survey summary the day before the conference. To this end I’ll stop getting 
> new entries from the survey on Wednesday morning at 9am PST, so that I have 
> time to extract and summarize the data in the morning (hopefully) and send 
> them out ASAP.
> I look forward to see you all at the conference!
> Cheers,
> — 
> Mehdi

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