Note that step 5 below is wildly inaccurate, a placeholder while drafting the 
note.  The actual command to reformat should be:

find . \( -iname "*.c" -or -iname "*.cpp" -or -iname "*.cpp" \) -exec 
clang-format -i {} +

If you’re curious where the longest lines in the original or resulting source 
come from you can try the following in an unformatted or post-formatting 

find . \( -iname "*.c" -or -iname "*.cpp" -or -iname "*.cpp" \) -exec awk '{ if 
(length($0) > max) max = length($0) } END { print max " {}" }' {} \; | sort -nr

Kate Stone <>
 Xcode Low Level Tools

> On Aug 8, 2016, at 2:40 PM, Kate Stone via lldb-dev <> 
> wrote:
> LLDB has come a long way since the project was first announced.  As a robust 
> debugger for C-family languages and Swift, LLDB is constantly in use by 
> millions of developers.  It has also become a foundation for bringing up 
> debugger support for other languages like Go and RenderScript.  In addition 
> to the original macOS implementation the Linux LLDB port is in active use and 
> Windows support has made significant strides.  IDE and editor integration via 
> both SB APIs and MI have made LLDB available to even more users.  It’s 
> definitely a project every contributor can be proud of and I’d like to take a 
> moment to thank everyone who has been involved in one way or another.
> It’s also a project that shows some signs of strain due to its rapid growth.  
> We’ve accumulated some technical debt that must be paid off, and in general 
> it seems like a good time to reflect on where we'll be headed next.  We’ve 
> outlined a few goals for discussion below as well as one more short-term 
> action.  Discussion is very much encouraged.
> Forward-Looking Goals
>    1. Testing Strategy Evaluation
> Keeping our code base healthy is next to impossible without a robust testing 
> strategy.  Our existing suite of tests is straightforward to run locally, and 
> serves as a foundation for continuous integration.  That said, it is 
> definitely not exhaustive.  Obvious priorities for improvement include 
> gathering coverage information, investing in more conventional unit tests in 
> addition to the suite of end-to-end tests, and introducing tests in code 
> bases where we depend on debugger-specific behavior (e.g.: for expression 
> evaluation.)
>    2. C++ Module Support
> LLDB takes advantage of Clang modules for type information and expression 
> evaluation.  This has been used extensively for C and Objective-C scenarios, 
> but Clang C++ module support is now mature enough that we can extend our 
> support accordingly.  Fully embracing C++ modules will enable LLDB 
> expressions to take advantage of template declarations and other constructs 
> that are better represented by declarations than the artifacts produced 
> during compilation.
>    3. Establishing Language Integration Standards
> As more languages build on LLDB’s foundation the project runs the risk of 
> growing deep dependencies on a wide variety of compilers and runtimes.  The 
> community needs to engage in a constructive conversation about how best to 
> keep the core of LLDB clean and allow language support to be plugged in.  
> Whether this should occur at compile-time or runtime and how best to organize 
> repositories and branches to meet the needs of our diverse community will be 
> an ongoing topic of discussion.
>    4. Good Citizenship in the LLVM Community
> Last, but definitely not least, LLDB should endeavor to be a good citizen of 
> the LLVM community.  We should encourage developers to think of the 
> technology stack as a coherent effort, where common code should be introduced 
> at an appropriate level in the stack.  Opportunities to factor reusable 
> aspects of the LLDB code base up the stack into LLVM will be pursued.
> One arbitrary source of inconsistency at present is LLDB’s coding standard.  
> That brings us to…
> Near-Term Goal: Standardizing on LLVM-style clang-format Rules
> We’ve heard from several in the community that would prefer to have a single 
> code formatting style to further unify the two code bases.  Using 
> clang-format with the default LLVM conventions would simplify code migration, 
> editor configuration, and coding habits for developers who work in multiple 
> LLVM projects.  There are non-trivial implications to reformatting a code 
> base with this much history.  It can obfuscate history and impact downstream 
> projects by complicating merges.  Ideally, it should be done once with as 
> much advance notice as is practical.  Here’s the timeline we’re proposing:
> Today - mechanical reformatting proposed, comment period begins
> To get a preview of what straightforward reformatting of the code looks like, 
> just follow these steps to get a clean copy of the repository and reformat it:
> Check out a clean copy of the existing repository
> Edit .clang-format in the root of the tree, remove all but the line 
> “BasedOnStyle: LLVM”
> Change your current working directory to the root of the tree to reformat
> Double-check to make sure you did step 3 ;-)
> Run the following shell command: "find . -name "*.[c,cpp,h] -exec 
> clang-format -i {} +"
> Aug 20th - comment period closes, final schedule proposed
> TBD (early September?) - patches land in svn
> The purpose of the comment period is to review the straightforward diffs to 
> identify areas where comment pragmas should be used to avoid undesirable 
> formatting (tables laid out in code are a classic example.)  It’s also a time 
> when feedback on the final timetable can be discussed, and any unforeseen 
> implications can be discovered.  We understand that LLDB tends toward 
> relatively long names that may not always work well with the LLVM convention 
> of wrapping at 80 columns.  Worst case scenarios will be evaluated to 
> determine the desired course of action.
> Kate Stone <>
>  Xcode Low Level Tools
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