On 31 May 2016 at 13:45, Mehdi Amini via lldb-dev
<lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Apparently I wasn't very clear: llvm and clang (and the others projects) 
> would be simple decoupled, individual git repositories. You would be able to 
> check them out however you want and commit to them individually.
> There would be an extra "integration repository" on top that would only 
> provide the service that tells "r12345 is llvm:36c941c clang:eaf492b 
> compiler-rt:6d77ea5". This repository should be managed transparently by some 
> server-side integration.

This actually sounds like a really good idea even if a full move to
git gets blocked for some reason. It seems like it could be a fairly
common requirement: I don't suppose you know of an existing script
that could do it? If not, I may take a stab.

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