You have to consume the events from the debugger's listener (unless you specify 
a different listener in your SBLaunchInfo or SBAttachInfo). 

We have python code that can show you how to consume events:

svn cat

So even though your process might be stopped, until you consume the stop event, 
the process will claim it is running or launching.

The process broadcasts process event state changes (changing from running to 
stopped, or stopped to running). 

If you have more detailed questions, please let me know.

Greg Clayton

> On Feb 3, 2016, at 2:03 PM, John Lindal via lldb-dev 
> <> wrote:
> When I use SBDebugger::SetAsync(true), the process is not stopped at scanf, 
> so it does not wait for input.  The process does stop and wait for input when 
> SetAsync(false).  Unfortunately, when building a GUI on top of the C++ API, I 
> have to SetAsync(true).
> Is there some way to resolve this?
> Thanks,
> John
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