BTW, I expect that your buildbot has been experiencing the problems with
the x86 / x64 toolchain for quite some time, because it's not really
relevant to how much memory your machine has, but just that it was using an
x86 toolchain at all.  Has it been red for a long time?

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 1:48 PM Zachary Turner <> wrote:

> You may have to make some changes to the zorg scripts to keep that
> working.  I didn't realize there were any other bots building LLDB, so I
> made some changes that will default everything to VS2015 and Py3.
> BTW, is your builder doing a debug build or a release build?  When doing a
> debug build clang now requires more memory than can fit in a 4GB address
> space to link, so using an x86 toolchain won't work anymore.  I forced a
> change to use the amd64_x86 toolchain, but this won't work unless the
> version of python used by buildbot is a 64-bit Python distro (because
> Python.exe is what ultimately calls vcvarsall and cmake and it inherits the
> environment of the parent).
> So I think you will need to do all this as well.
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 1:44 PM Ted Woodward <>
> wrote:
>> Then maybe we should keep it 2013/py2.7, until llvm requires 2015.
>> --
>> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
>> The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a
>> Linux Foundation Collaborative Project
>> *From:* Zachary Turner []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 02, 2016 3:43 PM
>> *To:* Ted Woodward; LLDB
>> *Subject:* Re: [lldb-dev] MSVC 2013 w/ Python 2.7 is moving to an
>> unsupported toolchain
>> It's Server 2008 R2 technically, which is the server version of Win 7
>> (same API set, same OS features, etc).  So yea, I'm pretty confident that
>> test coverage is going to be 100% the same across both.  It's just a matter
>> of if you want to have something that you maintain / have control over, or
>> if you want to test something in a different way than what we're testing.
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 1:29 PM Ted Woodward <>
>> wrote:
>> Yours is Win Server 2008; ours is Win 7. I don’t know if that matters.
>> --
>> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
>> The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a
>> Linux Foundation Collaborative Project
>> *From:* Zachary Turner []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 02, 2016 2:48 PM
>> *To:* Ted Woodward; LLDB
>> *Subject:* Re: [lldb-dev] MSVC 2013 w/ Python 2.7 is moving to an
>> unsupported toolchain
>> If I remember correctly your bot isn't actually doing anything
>> differently than my bot [
>>].  If you
>> want you could just remove your bot.  If you want to keep it, then yea
>> getting it on VS2015 and Python 3 would be the best idea.
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 12:20 PM Ted Woodward via lldb-dev <
>>> wrote:
>> It looks like our bot,
>> , has tried to
>> update to Python 3.5 and MSVC 2015, but it can’t find python or VC. I’ll
>> talk to our buildmiester about it.
>> Should we run this guy with 2013/py2.7 or 2015/py3.5?
>> --
>> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
>> The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a
>> Linux Foundation Collaborative Project
>> *From:* lldb-dev [] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Zachary
>> Turner via lldb-dev
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 02, 2016 1:55 PM
>> *To:* Tamas Berghammer; LLDB
>> *Subject:* Re: [lldb-dev] MSVC 2013 w/ Python 2.7 is moving to an
>> unsupported toolchain
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:42 AM Tamas Berghammer <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Zachary,
>> We are still using MSVC 2013 and Python 2.7 to compile LLDB on Windows
>> for Android Studio and we also have a buildbot what is testing this
>> configuration (without sending e-mail at the moment) here:
>> We are in the discussion to decide what is our plan for going forward
>> both in terms of Visual Studio version and Python version and I expect that
>> we will make a decision this week. Until then please don't remove any hack
>> we have in the code because of MSVC 2013 (e.g. alias template workarounds)
>> and if adding new code then please try not to break MSVC 2013. I will send
>> out an update about our decision hopefully at the end of this week.
>> Yea I mentioned already that I'm not planning on removing anything
>> related to MSVC 2013, just that I'm personally not supporting it.  Which
>> means that if anyone asks for help, or wants to make it work, or if it
>> breaks accidentally, they're on their own :)  I don't even have MSVC 2013
>> installed on my machine anymore, so I can't fix any MSVC 2013 specific
>> issues that arise.
>> Of course if someone else comes along and wants to help, I have no
>> problem with that, but due to the difficulty of dealing with
>> incompatibility between Python 2 and MSVC 2015, it's just going to be up to
>> someone else to continue making that work if they need it.
>> You mentioned that LLVM plan to bump the minimum version of MSVC to 2015.
>> Do you have any link to the place where they discussed it or do you know
>> anything about the schedule?
>> As far as I know the discussion hasn't started yet, but historically LLVM
>> has always been pretty consistent about bumping the required MSVC version
>> every 12-18 months.   I know some of the Windows people on the LLVM side
>> are already "unoficially" using MSVC 2015 on a regular basis, and that's
>> usually a sign that people are getting an early start to see what kind of
>> issues might be encountered by the general public when bumping the required
>> version.
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