
"Okay, this might be the llvm/clang build script that Xcode uses as an
llvm/clang build step.  That's going to need to be updated if it is using
configure (for the reasons I mentioned above)."

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Zachary Turner <ztur...@google.com> wrote:

> Are the Xcode scripts using the llvm configure build?  If so they will
> need to be changed to the CMake build sooner or later, because the
> configure build is going away in the near future.
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:18 PM Todd Fiala via lldb-dev <
> lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> Ah.
>> Okay, this might be the llvm/clang build script that Xcode uses as an
>> llvm/clang build step.  That's going to need to be updated if it is using
>> configure (for the reasons I mentioned above).
>> So it sounds like some part of llvm or clang may be sniffing and finding
>> some part of ocaml, and deciding it should make some bindings for it.  I'll
>> have a look at the script and see if there's an obvious way to explicitly
>> deny it (the warning seemed like it had a way to disable that binding, so
>> we might just need to work it in).
>> Of course, if you are not using ocaml, you might want to consider
>> removing/hiding it if you don't need it.
>> Interestingly, I did have ocaml on my home system a while back and didn't
>> have any trouble building, but I probably had ounit2 as well, and likely
>> wouldn't have noticed if the Xcode-based build-llvm script ended up doing
>> more work when building the embedded llvm/clang during the Xcode build.
>>  I can probably replicate this pretty easily.
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Ryan Brown <rib...@google.com> wrote:
>>> Does xcode use configure? I just push command-B.
>>> It does look like I have ocaml installed on my system, but I'm not sure
>>> how it go installed or why xcode is trying to use it.
>>> -- Ryan Brown
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Todd Fiala <todd.fi...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> We definitely should not be requiring ocaml :-)
>>>> Are you using a configure-based build?  If so, can you switch over to
>>>> using cmake and see if you see that same issue?  We pretty much don't
>>>> maintain the configure build, and it is getting stripped from llvm and
>>>> clang in the next version of them after 3.8, so we will not be able to
>>>> support configure-based builds in the near future.
>>>> In the event that you still see it, let us know if you have ocaml or
>>>> opam somewhere on your system.  The warnings do seem to indicate that ocaml
>>>> was specified for one reason or another?  Maybe parts of it were sniffed
>>>> out when trying to configure the build.
>>>> -Todd
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Ryan Brown via lldb-dev <
>>>> lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>>>> Are there new prereqs for building on a mac?
>>>>> I just updated, and I'm getting this error:
>>>>> checking for __dso_handle... yes
>>>>> configure: WARNING: --enable-bindings=ocaml specified, but ctypes is
>>>>> not installed
>>>>> configure: WARNING: --enable-bindings=ocaml specified, but OUnit 2 is
>>>>> not installed. Tests will not run
>>>>> configure: error: Prequisites for bindings not satisfied. Fix them or
>>>>> use configure --disable-bindings.
>>>>> error: making llvm and clang child exited with value 2
>>>>> -- Ryan Brown
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>>>> --
>>>> -Todd
>> --
>> -Todd
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