@@ -194,9 +199,14 @@
                 "description": "Specify a source path to remap \"./\" to allow 
full paths to be used when setting breakpoints in binaries that have relative 
source paths."
               "sourceMap": {
-                "type": "array",
-                "description": "Specify an array of path remappings; each 
element must itself be a two element array containing a source and destination 
path name. Overrides sourcePath.",
-                "default": []
+                "type": "object",
+                "description": "Specify an object of path remappings; each 
entry has a key containing the source path and a value containing the 
destination path. E.g { \"/the/source/path\": \"/the/destination/path\" } 
Overrides sourcePath.",
vogelsgesang wrote:

                "description": "Specify an object of path remappings; each 
entry has a key containing the source path and a value containing the 
destination path. E.g `{ \"/the/source/path\": \"/the/destination/path\" }`. 
Overrides sourcePath.",

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