@@ -92,11 +95,13 @@ void StackFrameRecognizerManager::ForEach(
         symbol_name = entry.symbol_regexp->GetText().str();
       callback(entry.recognizer_id, entry.recognizer->GetName(), module_name,
-               llvm::ArrayRef(ConstString(symbol_name)), true);
+               llvm::ArrayRef(ConstString(symbol_name)), entry.symbol_mangling,
+               true);
     } else {
       callback(entry.recognizer_id, entry.recognizer->GetName(),
-               entry.module.GetCString(), entry.symbols, false);
+               entry.module.GetCString(), entry.symbols, entry.symbol_mangling,
+               false);
vogelsgesang wrote:

afaict, this code is incomplete. The matching in `GetRecognizerForFrame` also 
needs to be adjusted.

In https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/105695, you can find an 
implementation of pretty much the same idea. However, I implemented only 
`GetRecognizerForFrame` and skipped, e.g., `ForEach`

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